EZ Bar Walking rotations - Deep Core Strength Training

This is one of the most functional deep core exercises you'll ever do, along with tightening up the waist. Every step you take, your deep core has to stabilize the spine against the rotation of the load.




The deep core muscles, the obliques and the transverse abdominis, are incredibly important for stabilizing the spine and transferring force from your lower body through to your upper body (and vice versa).


Pretty much EVERY single sport can benefit from strengthening those muscles...and from a physique perspective, they work to keep your midsection flat and tight.

The concept behind this one is simple...you're going to walk while rotating the EZ curl bar side to side in front of you, with the goal of keeping your spine from rotating.

This anti-rotation is exactly what those deep core muscles are all about.



How to do EZ Bar Walking Rotations


You'll obviously need an EZ curl bar for this one. You CAN use an Olympic bar but you'll have to step a lot slower due to the length of the bar and the time it takes you to rotate it. I don't recommend it.

With the short EZ bar, this process is a lot faster and you're less likely to hit somebody with the bar. You can also use pre-set, short barbells that some gyms have as well.

First, start with a light weight (maybe 25 lbs on each side). You want to get the gist of the coordination first, before you move up in weight.

Grab the bar out as wide as you can, near the plates.

Step forward with your right foot and rotate the LEFT end of the bar forward at the same time. This is MUCH easier to visualize by watching the video.

EZ Bar Walking Rotations - Deep Core Anti-Rotational Strength Training Start

Now keep walking. As you step forward with the other leg, rotate the bar to the other side. It should be a natural movement, similar to the cross-body arm swing when walking fast.

EZ Bar Walking Rotations - Deep Core Anti-Rotational Strength Training

EZ Bar Walking Rotations - Deep Core Anti-Rotational Strength Training Right

Keep going until you've gone as far as you can one direction,

EZ Bar Walking Rotations - Deep Core Anti-Rotational Strength Training

Then turn around and head back.

EZ Bar Walking Rotations - Deep Core Anti-Rotational Strength Training Go Back

EZ Bar Walking Rotations - Deep Core Anti-Rotational Strength Training

Your feet should be at least a foot to a foot and a half apart on each step. You need a wide base of support to maintain your balance and deal with the rotational forces as you're doing it.

Again, start light and go slow at first. You can build up to some good weights as you get stronger and better at it.

You'll also find that it hits your traps very effectively as well as the forces also go up through the muscles of your upper back near the spine (i.e. the traps).

If you like this one, and you want more deep core exercises, definitely try out the 2 Dumbbell Bench Anti-Rotations as well.


Want 90 more unique and challenging exercises to SHRED your core? Check out The Best Core Exercises You've Never Heard Of!


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