Posterior Chain Exercises

The posterior chain consists of the muscles running down the back of the body. These muscles generate much of your power and strength for athletic and strength movements.


Alternating One-Arm Kettlebell Swings

1. Alternating One-Arm Kettlebell Swings

The kettlebell swing is a key exercise for learning and developing the all-important "hip hinge" movement...because basically, it IS the definition of a hip hinge movement. This swing is going to be done with two kettlebells, but just swinging one up at a time, alternating with each swing.



Athletic Stance Squats

2. Athletic Stance Squats

This squat variation is actually a very "functional" movement for athletes in that (like the name says), it's done in an athletic stance.



Bench Step-Ups to Reverse Lunges

3. Bench Step-Ups to Reverse Lunges

This is a great combination exercise that will hit every major muscle group (and most of the minor ones) in your entire lower body. It's a two-part single-leg movement that works both legs in sequence.



Dual Tension Split Squats

4. Dual Tension Split Squats

This is a KILLER exercise for your glutes and legs...but especially your glutes. And yes, this one LOOKS absolutely insane but don't let that stop you from trying it. If you think your glutes have seen it all, prepare for a shock...



Kettlebell Walking Scissor Lunges

5. Kettlebell Walking Scissor Lunges

This is a phenomenal conditioning exercise targeting your entire lower body. It uses very targeted explosive, "mild" plyometrics to involve multiple types of muscles fibers while doing a walking lunge pattern. Because of that, this exercise is surprisingly tough and incredibly effective for metabolic conditioning.





























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