Hold-Away Goblet Squats for Bracing Core Strength

This simple twist to the Goblet Squat puts even more loading on the core, to help improve bracing strength for squats and deadlifts.




The Goblet Squat is a common leg exercise...that also works the core strongly as well.


With this simple change to how hold the dumbbell for Goblet Squats, you can shift so much more tension to the core that it makes it into a very effective core-strength exercise.

First, set up exactly like you would for a regular Goblet Squat...this is how I prefer to do it.

I'm using a 95 lb dumbbell here...you'll need to start lighter than you normally would go for a regular Goblet Squat.

Grab the dumbbell.

Stand up with it, then set it on end on one knee.

Get your hands under the plates.

Then stand up.

Now squat down into the bottom position...everything looks normal up until now.

Here's where the fun begins...

Sit your torso back and tilt the dumbbell top away from you. As the name of this exercise implies, we're going to be holding the dumbbell AWAY from your body, rather than keeping it in close as you normally would when trying to work the legs.

Hold-Away Goblet Squats for Bracing Core Strength

Before you start to stand up, brace your core HARD, just like somebody was about to punch you in the stomach. As well, lock in your shoulders and upper back as well. It's going to take a lot of total-body tension to keep holding the dumbbell away from you like this.

Now stand up, keeping the dumbbell held a few inches away from your body, all the way to the top.

Hold-Away Goblet Squats for Bracing Core Strength

At the top, keep holding it away.

Hold-Away Goblet Squats for Bracing Core Strength

Then bring it in.

Then come back down to the bottom of the squat and repeat the cycle.

And while you CAN keep the dumbbell held out in front all the way back down, I actually find it much more effective to bring it in for the negative. We're using this exercise to focus on the core bracing out of the bottom of the squat, from a dead stop.

When you're done, just set the dumbbell down as you normally would.

You can do this one with a kettlebell as well, but you'll be able to use more weight with a dumbbell.


Want 90 more unique and challenging exercises to SHRED your core? Check out The Best Core Exercises You've Never Heard Of!



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Want Another Deep Core Exercise Like This?

Another excellent combination exercise for tightening up and strengthening the deep muscles of the core is one that I call "Ab Rippers."

It sounds horrible but it's actually VERY effective, combining a push and a pull at the same time as the torque goes directly through the core.



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