Incline Bench Single Leg Knee Raises for Six-Pack Abs

You want six-pack abs? You need to work the rectus abdominis (the six-pack ab muscle) with focused tension...and, ideally, WITHOUT spinal flexion and torque on the lower back. That's where this new exercise comes in.




This exercise is extremely effective for targeting the six-pack abs from multiple directions while giving you substantial lower back support and no spinal flexion. This exercise is all about targeted tension.


This is a great way to perform knee raises for the lower abs without lower back stress:

To perform this one, you'll need an incline bench, set to about 35-45 degrees or so. You don't want to set it too flat or too steep or the exercise won't be as effective.

Sit on the face of the bench, up near the top. Your feet should be on the seat, with your lower back over the top end of the bench. With your hands, grip that top edge of the bench (this is important).

Incline Bench Single Leg Knee Raises for Six-Pack Abs start

This position sets your upper body off the end of the bench so that you're already getting tension on the abs just to support your upper body. As well, the grip on the bench allows you to push downwards on the bench as you perform the knee raise, working the "bracing" function of the core.

Because your lower back is over the end of the bench, your lower back is supported, minimizing the torque on the lower back.

Now the fun begins...

Raise your left knee up towards your chest, bringing it as close to your chest as you possibly can. Keep your other foot on the bench and use it for balance and to help push that knee closer.

As you bring the knee up, use your grip on the bench to push your upper body/chest forward to meet your knee. Contract the abs as HARD as you possibly can, using the abs to force that knee as close as you can to your chest.

Incline Bench Single Leg Knee Raises for Six-Pack Abs - Raise Left Leg

This contraction will be extremely strong, to the point of being painful. Hold for a few seconds, squeezing the abs harder and harder. Again, the focus here is on muscle tension, not just moving the legs up and down.

Because of the lower back position over the end of the bench, you're not easily able to flex the spine in the lower back, eliminating that as an issue.

Lower your left leg back and set your left foot on the bench, then repeat with your right leg.

Incline Bench Single Leg Knee Raises for Six-Pack Abs - Raise right Leg

Again, squeeze the abs HARD and hold at the top as you use your arms to push your chest forward to meet your knee.

The tension on the rectus abdominis is extremely intense.

This is a fantastic exercise for developing your six-pack abs (with good tension on the lower abs) without back pain or excessive spinal flexion.

If you're ready for a more advanced knee raise exercise, try the Dip Belt Weighted Hanging Knee Raise.


Want 90 more unique and challenging exercises to SHRED your core? Check out The Best Core Exercises You've Never Heard Of!



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