Assisted/Resisted Band Pull-Ups For Lats

This unique setup gives you assistance out of the bottom and resistance at the top...all with one band! This will give you an amazing challenge (and pump) for your lats.




If you have good pull-up strength and you're looking for a new challenge, this two-way exercise will hits your lats hard.


It looks just NUTS but I got an amazing back and upper arm pump from this one.

You'll need a Captains Chair bench for this one. You'll be looping a single band over the handles of the bench.

If you need a band, click here for my preferred source.

You sit on the bottom loop of the band while the upper part of the band is sitting across the handles.

Assisted/Resisted Band Pull-Ups For Lats

You get assistance in the bottom position.

Assisted/Resisted Band Pull-Ups For Lats

Then as you come to the top, your head hits the band and you get GREAT added resistance in the top few inches...where you need to pull HARD against the hand.

Assisted/Resisted Band Pull-Ups For Lats

I like to bring my feet under my legs here but it's not necessary.

Because your bodyweight is sitting on the bottom part of the band, the top band doesn't come up off the handles and you get resistance.
Come back down into the bottom and get into an L sit position, not letting your feet contact the ground. Then come back up, bringing your knees in as you pull up against the head band. Then repeat.
It's the only exercise I've ever found where you can use the same implement for both resistance AND assistance in the same movement.
And yes, it looks crazy but it works GREAT.

If you'd like to try a killer variation of the pull-up for lat width, try the Two Vertical Bar Pull-Up.


Want more unique and challenging exercises to work your entire body with simple equipment? All you need is just a barbell, dumbbells and a bench. Check out The Best Home Gym Exercises You've Never Heard Of!



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