Non-Stop Seated Calf Raise Stretch Set for Building Stubborn Calves

This technique is one of the best I've found for forcing the calves to respond...and I'll warn you up front. It's VERY painful. You're going to be doing a "normal" Seated Calf Raise exercise in a very specific pattern.




Calves can be among the toughest muscle group to develop. They are extremely resistant to growth and often, people completely give up on building them!

That changes now...


This powerful technique will help you build your stubborn calves fast.

First, set a weight that you could normally do for 15 reps for the exercise. You're going to be using this weight NON-STOP for 5 minutes.

You're going to do sets of 3 reps with 10 seconds rest between sets. The killer part is, instead of actually resting, you're going to "rest" by holding the bottom stretch position of the exercise. This keeps continuous tension and loading on the calves for the entire 5 minutes of the set.

(I'm demonstrating this exercise using an improvised setup on a leg curl machine because I don't have a Seated Calf Raise Machine.)

Non-Stop Seated Calf Raise Stretch Set - Bottom

Non-Stop Seated Calf Raise Stretch Set Top

The video for this technique shows it more clearly...bottom line. Do 3 reps, hold the stretch for 10 seconds. Do 3 more reps. Then repeat for 5 minutes total.

If you can't get through the full 5 minutes (it's extremely painful!), just stop when you have to, shake out the lactic acid, then get right back to it as soon as possible.

This technique is extremely effective for forcing a lot of tension and stretch-overload onto the stubborn calves to help them grow.

And yes, you WILL have a hard time walking...both immediately after the set and a couple of days later.

If you can make it through the full 5 minutes without stopping, increase the weight a little next time. All you need is one set of this and you're done with calves for the day.

This technique can be used multiple times throughout the week. Because it's relatively quick to do, it's a great way to do high-frequency calf training for maximum results (which your calves will won't, but your calves will).

Pair this stretch-focused exercise with a contraction-focused exercise like the Squatting Calf Raise on the Leg Curl machine and your calves will be done.


Want more unique and challenging exercises to work your entire body with simple equipment? All you need is just a barbell, dumbbells and a bench. Check out The Best Home Gym Exercises You've Never Heard Of!



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