Lateral Dumbbell Gorilla Walking For Conditioning and Movement Training

This is a killer combination of resistance-cardio and lateral movement training. It's an incredible exercise for athletes looking to improve their side-to-side strength and power, as well as their conditioning.




Lateral movement patterns are RARELY worked with most training programs, especially with resistance.


This is going to do exactly that, targeting the glutes, hips, core and lower back very effectively.

You're going to need a dumbbell or kettlebell and about 20 feet of floorspace to do it with. You're going to be "walking" laterally up and down the floor, shifting the dumbbell along with you as you go.

It's a very simple movement and once you get the hang of it, you're going to really enjoy it.

I'm using a 125 lb dumbbell for can work up to using some fairly heavy weights with this.

Set the dumbbell on end and grip under the top set of plates. Set your feet fairly wide apart with the dumbbell over by your left foot (you'll be moving to the right).

I HIGHLY recommend watching the video for this one. Still pictures don't convey the movement very well since it is a movement-based exercise.

Lateral Dumbbell Gorilla Walking For Conditioning and Movement Training

Pick up the dumbbell and swing it over towards your right foot, being careful not to set it on your foot, of course.

Lateral Dumbbell Gorilla Walking For Conditioning and Movement Training

Lateral Dumbbell Gorilla Walking For Conditioning and Movement Training

Once you've set it down, hop to the right.

Lateral Dumbbell Gorilla Walking For Conditioning and Movement Training

Lateral Dumbbell Gorilla Walking For Conditioning and Movement Training

Then repeat, picking up the dumbbell again and swinging it to the right. You should strive to make this a fast movement...swing, hop, swing, hop, etc. moving quickly up and down the floor. We're trying to move as quickly as possible to really focus on the explosive nature of the exercise, as well as the very dynamic weight transfer of the dumbbell.

Keep going for about 20 to 25 feet.

Lateral Dumbbell Gorilla Walking For Conditioning and Movement Training

Lateral Dumbbell Gorilla Walking For Conditioning and Movement Training

Lateral Dumbbell Gorilla Walking For Conditioning and Movement Training

Then come back, facing the same way so that you're moving to your left side now.

Lateral Dumbbell Gorilla Walking For Conditioning and Movement Training

Lateral Dumbbell Gorilla Walking For Conditioning and Movement Training

I went up and down the gym floor twice doing this and found it incredibly effective for cardio and core training, on top of the lateral movement training.

Now, for additional work, you can also add a resistance band, so you're doing this similar to a Monster Walk.

If you need bands, here's my recommended source.

(Use Coupon Code rbtfitstep for 10% off your package purchase)

Just fold a 42 inch band in half then put your feet through the loops.

Lateral Dumbbell Gorilla Walking For Conditioning and Movement Training With Bands

Lateral Dumbbell Gorilla Walking For Conditioning and Movement Training With Bands

Lateral Dumbbell Gorilla Walking For Conditioning and Movement Training With Bands

I like to set the bands just above the knees.

Lateral Dumbbell Gorilla Walking For Conditioning and Movement Training With Bands

Then use the exact same movement as you did before. The banding gives you additional lateral resistance when hopping to the side. It's extremely challenging and very effective for increasing the workload on the gluteus medius and minimus.

Lateral Dumbbell Gorilla Walking For Conditioning and Movement Training With Bands

Lateral Dumbbell Gorilla Walking For Conditioning and Movement Training With Bands

Lateral Dumbbell Gorilla Walking For Conditioning and Movement Training With Bands

Overall, this is a phenomenal exercise for working in a lateral movement pattern, especially if you're an athlete looking for increased explosive power, endurance and conditioning in that lateral movement pattern.

You take the gorilla concept and use it with this killer Kettlebell Swing variation as well!


Want more unique and challenging exercises to work your entire body with simple equipment? All you need is just a barbell, dumbbells and a bench. Check out The Best Home Gym Exercises You've Never Heard Of!




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