The high pull is an excellent exercise for building strong, powerful shoulders. This hybrid version is combined with a swing to help you get even more out of it.
To perform this exercise, you'll need a kettlebell and you should be experienced with the basic kettlebell swing exercise (which focuses on the posterior chain, i.e. glutes, hamstrings and lower back).
This variation of the high pull will use a modified swing to get the weight moving up to the top position, with a few form adjustments.
I highly recommend watching the short video for this's much easier to get a feel for how the exercise goes that way.
Hold the kettlebell by the top of the handle with both hands, feet a bit wider than shoulder width apart.
Here's where the form differs a bit...
Squat down a little and don't lean over quite as much as you would with a regular swing. Also, don't take as much of a backswing. The reason is we'll be looking for a more vertical path for the weight in this exercise.
Now use both posterior chain AND quads to start the swing up.
Notice my arms are starting to bend at about the halfway point.
Now using shoulder and upper back power, pull the kettlebell towards your chin as you come to the top of the exercise. Get your elbows up as high as you can...they should be about level with your shoulders at the top.
As you pull the weight towards you, this will also cause your torso to get pulled towards the weight in return.
You'll notice my body is vertical at the a normal swing (especially a heavy swing), I would be leaning back to counterbalance the weight.
To reverse the movement, push the kettlebell away from your body by straightening your arms, then reverse the swing movement, coming down into the shallow squat and getting a small backswing.
Then repeat.
Again, the focus here is on controlled power, using the power of the posterior chain and quads to get the weight moving upwards, then using the shoulders, traps and upper back to finish the high pull type of movement to the top.
This one will get your entire "yoke" area pumped up while developing power in through the shoulder girdle.
For a more posterior-chain and core-oriented swing, try Kettlebell Gorilla Swings.
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