Range-Of-Motion Triple Add Sets For Building Big Triceps

This simple drop set method uses changes in range of motion instead of weight to maximize growth stimulation on the triceps, targeting all major muscle fiber types in one extended set.




To maximize muscle development, you need to hit every major muscle fiber type (Type 1, Type 2a and 2b)...


...and this technique is designed to do that without changing the weight and without changing exercises.

  • You're going to first use a short range of motion and very high reps to target the slow-twitch, endurance-oriented muscle fibers.
  • Then you're going to switch to half-range of motion for moderate reps to target the fast-twitch Type 2a for hypertrophy.
  • Then you'll switch to full-range reps with a powerful movement for low reps to engage the Type 2b fibers.

The exercise I'm using in the demo is the Decline Close Grip Bench Press.

I find this exercise to be the best mass-building exercise for the triceps for me...it may be different for you, and you can certainly use the flat bench for this as well, especially if you don't have a decline bench.

The decline bench will allow you to use the most weight because of the optimal leverage.

Put on a weight you could normally get about 10 reps with on a full-range movement. I've got 225 lbs on the bar here.



Phase 1 - High Rep, Short Range Partials


For this, you're just going to work the top few inches of the range of motion of the exercise for very high reps...30+ reps, minimum.

Even though the weight is relatively heavy, the leverage is excellent, so you'll be able to overload the slow twitch fibers effectively, using that heavy weight.

These reps can be done fairly rapidly, but without using excessive momentum.

Range-Of-Motion Triple Add Sets For Building Big Triceps Top 1

Range-Of-Motion Triple Add Sets For Building Big Triceps Top 2

Don't push to complete failure...stay a few reps short of it. Rerack the bar and rest 10 seconds.



Phase 2 - Half Range, Moderate Reps


For this one, you'll be performing reps staying above the sticking point of the exercise. Try to maintain tension in the triceps while you're doing the exercise, pausing at the bottom of the rep and squeezing the muscles on the way up.

Range-Of-Motion Triple Add Sets For Building Big Triceps middle 1

Range-Of-Motion Triple Add Sets For Building Big Triceps middle2

Again, don't push to complete failure here. Stay a rep or so short of it. Aim for 6-8 reps in this set.

Rerack the bar then rest 10 seconds.



Phase 3 - Full Range, Low Reps


For this final phase, you'll be targeting those power-oriented muscle fibers. When performing the full-range reps, go for an explosive, powerful press. Don't worry about muscle tension...just hammer the weight up.

Range-Of-Motion Triple Add Sets For Building Big Triceps bottom 1

Range-Of-Motion Triple Add Sets For Building Big Triceps bottom 2

Aim for 1-3 reps on this phase. You can push hard on this one (closer to failure) but try not to actually hit failure.


That's it!

That's one Range of Motion Triple Add Set for triceps. I would recommend resting at least 3 minutes before doing this again, performing 3 total ROM sets like this.

This method is incredibly effective for targeting every major muscle fiber type you've got in the triceps, for maximum muscle growth stimulation!

Another excellent range of motion method is done using the Chest Supported Row.



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