Non-Stop Curls and Chins Superset for Building Massive Biceps

This combination of exercises for your biceps will give you an INCREDIBLE pump while hammering your bi's with excellent muscle-building loading.




If you want bigger biceps, this killer non-stop superset is going to do it for you.

It's a very simple extended'll be going back and forth between alternating dumbbell curls and chin-ups until you get to the point where you're only getting one rep of each. This will likely take 3-4 rounds through each exercise, done non-stop.

The dumbbell curls are going to target the biceps as the primary mover of the exercise while the chins-ups target the biceps as a secondary mover. You will be using your lats to push the biceps even harder. Then you're going to go right back to the dumbbell curls with NO rest...then back to chins...then curls...then chins...then curls...then chins.

This gets into some biomechanical jargon, but you'll be using the biceps in an "open kinetic chain" exercise (simply put, where your body doesn't move but the weight does, i.e. the dumbbell curl) and a "closed kinetic chain" exercise (where your body moves, i.e. the chin-up).

This targets the muscle fibers of the biceps strongly and in two very different ways, activating different sets of motor units in the biceps to ensure maximum muscle stimulation.


By the time you're done, your biceps will be pumped up like balloons.

On a side note, if you're not strong enough to do at least 10-12 chins, I would recommend using a close grip pulldown instead. You'll get a similar effect, though you won't have the "open chain/closed chain" aspect of the superset.



Here's How to Do the Non-Stop Bicep-Building Superset...


Use a set of dumbbells you could normally get 6-8 reps with. I'm using a pair of 45 pound dumbbells for this.

You will start by doing a normal set of alternating dumbbell curls in that rep range, staying just short of failure.

Dumbbell Curls

Dumbbell Curls

Dumbbell Curls

Dumbbell Curls

Do these right by the chin-up bar (or pulldown station, if you're using close-grip pulldowns instead) so that you can immediately get on the bar and perform chin-ups.

Bicep-Focused Chin-Ups

Bicep-Focused Chin-Ups Top

Do as many reps as you can, approaching failure, then drop down and go right back to the curls.

Get as many more reps as you can with the curls, then go back to chins...then curls, then chins, then curls, then chins, etc. until you're only getting one rep of each.

It's not a complicated concept...the basic idea is to hammer your biceps with alternating exercises that target them in two different ways.

I would recommend performing 2-3 sets of this superset, with at least 2 minutes rest in between supersets.

Overall, this is a very simple, very effective way to target even the most stubborn biceps for growth.

You can also hammer the biceps with a non-stop mechanical drop set, as seen here.



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