Explosive-Focused Circuit Training For Fast Fat Loss

Don't lose your explosiveness...just your fat! This unique circuit workout will help you keep and develop power and explosion while cranking up your metabolism for fat loss.




This "Metabolic Monster" fat-loss circuit workout is all about explosiveness...


We're going to cycle through 5 exercises covering the major movement patterns of your body using explosive/power-oriented exercises for low reps all the way through.

As well, instead of taking rest, you're going to be doing heavy dumbbell Farmers Walks in between exercises to maximize overall workload and the metabolic training effect on your body.

I'll be honest...it is suffering....but suffering with a purpose...

Perform these exercises with NO rest from one to the next. After each exercise, grab a set of heavy dumbbells and do a Farmers Walk for about 15 feet (there and back). That's your "rest."

After you finish a circuit, then take 3 minutes rest and go again. Perform this circuit for 2 to 4 rounds. After 4 rounds, your explosiveness will really start to fade and the training won't be as effective.

The full circuit takes about 4 1/2 minutes to complete.


Exercise 1 - One-Arm Dumbbell Power Snatch - each arm x 3 reps

This one is a great alternative to more technique-intensive Olympic lifting, in that it doesn't require much technique. It's easy to learn and builds great total-body power and explosiveness, especially through the posterior chain.

You're going to take a single dumbbell and heave it straight off the floor to an overhead locked out position in one powerful movement.

Squat down and grab the dumbbell. I like to set my non-working hand on my leg to help brace the core.

One-Arm Dumbbell Power Snatch

Now "squeeze" the dumbbell off the floor with a powerful drive from your legs and back. Don't "pop" the dumbbell off the floor...it should be done where you develop tension in the body, start to apply it to the dumbbell THEN power it off the floor.

One-Arm Dumbbell Power Snatch

Your arm muscles don't contribute a whole lot to the movement...the arms are there to connect the weight to your body and transfer force.

Power the weight as high as you can get it and lock it out overhead. You may need to use a little press at the top to get full lockout, just fyi.

One-Arm Dumbbell Power Snatch

Now set the dumbbell back down on the floor. To do this, lower it then also grab the handle with your other hand on the way down to set it on the ground.

One-Arm Dumbbell Power Snatch

Now repeat with the other arm. We'll be alternating reps on each arm to keep the muscles relatively fresh.

One-Arm Dumbbell Power Snatch

One-Arm Dumbbell Power Snatch

Set the dumbbell down and go to your heavy dumbbells.


** This Next Exercise Done Is In Between EVERY SINGLE SET of Every Other Exercise Instead of Rest...Heavy Dumbbell Farmers Walks x 30 feet


This one is simple...grab a pair of heavy dumbbells and walk 15 feet in one direction then turn around and walk 15 feet in the other direction (coming back to where you started). These weights should be challenging to walk with and challenging to your grip strength.

Heavy Dumbbell Farmers Walks

Heavy Dumbbell Farmers Walks

Using this exercise in between every other exercise ramps up the loading on your body, increasing metabolic demands while presenting a unique challenge to your entire body. It is grueling but very doable.



Exercise 2 - Explosive Medicine Ball Push-Ups - 3 to 5 reps


This is a push-up done with your hands on a small medicine ball. The one I'm using is 12 lbs. As you pop up off the ground, you will pull the ball off the floor towards your chest. You have to exert great power to get enough momentum to get yourself and the ball off the floor like this.

If you don't have a ball that you can use, you can also just do clapping push-ups instead to get the explosive effect we're looking for (pop up then clap your hands on the way up, then set them back on the floor - these can also be done kneeling).

It's hard to see how it's done with still pictures, so definitely watch the video to get the best idea of how to do it.

Explosive Medicine Ball Push-Ups

Explosive Medicine Ball Push-Ups

Explosive Medicine Ball Push-Ups

Explosive Medicine Ball Push-Ups

When you come to the bottom, you'll be starting from scratch in terms of power. When you use the ball like this, there is no elastic tension or rebound.



Exercise 3 - Bottom Start Front/Back Squats - 1-3 reps


This is a simple front squat or back squat movement starting with the bar on the safety rails of the rack. You'll have to preset this one, making sure you've got the right height for the start position.

If you don't have a rack handy, you can substitute dumbbell Goblet Squats for these.

Develop tension in the entire body before powering the bar off the rails.

Bottom Start Front/Back Squats

Bottom Start Front/Back Squats

When doing this one, use a very challenging weight. I did just one rep with 225 lbs during this circuit for the first round. On the next 3 rounds, I switched to back squats as the load was a bit too high to continue with front squats.



Exercise 4 - Band Chin-Ups x 4-6 reps


To do this one, you'll need a thick training band (click here to see where I get mine). Fold it twice over the chin-up bar then grip on the loops.

Pull yourself up. The bands dissipate almost all the elastic force in your muscles, so you get no help at all out of the bottom...you actually have to pull some stretch into the bands before they get tight enough to allow you to pull yourself up, making it like a pulldown/pull-up.

Band Chin-Ups

Band Chin-Ups

Band Chin-Ups

This will also challenge your grip very strongly, especially after all the Farmers Walks you're doing in between every exercise.



Exercise 5 - Dumbbell Stiff-Legged Deadlifts - 2-4 reps


Use the same dumbbells that you were doing the Farmers Walks with. Just set them down, take a very brief rest then grab them and go, setting them down fully at the bottom of each rep to reset your body position and redevelop tension in the hamstrings and lower back

Because dumbbells are lower to the ground than a barbell, bend your knees a bit more and make sure you try very hard to keep an arch in your lower back during the movement.

Do not pop off the ground...develop tension, then power the dumbbells up off the ground.

Dumbbell Stiff-Legged Deadlifts

Dumbbell Stiff-Legged Deadlifts



Finish With One Last Round of Farmers Walks


And you're done...you will have hit literally everything in your entire body with heavy weight while loading yourself during the Farmers Walks done instead of rest.

This Metabolic Monster will develop strength, explosive power (while in a fatigued state) and overall work capacity while cranking up your metabolism.


Want more killer metabolic conditioning workouts for burning fat while keeping ALL your muscle and strength? Get 75 of them in my "Metabolic Monsters" book...



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