Shred Stubborn Fat With the Top-Down Lactic Acid Barbell Complex

In this circuit, you're going to be hitting every major muscle group in your body, working from the top down, generating as much Lactic Acid as you possibly can all the way through.




Lactic Acid (i.e. lactate) is a critical factor in fat-loss, especially for losing stubborn fat. It's a key stimulator of Growth Hormone production, which is itself one of THE most important hormones you've got for accessing that stubborn fat.


For this fat-shredding circuit workout, all you need is a single barbell.


This circuit can also be described as a "complex" because you won't be taking your hands off the bar for the entire circuit (which is murder on the grip, too).

I'm using 95 lbs on the bar here.

Your first exercise is the Barbell Hang Clean and Press, and it'll determine how much weight you're going to use for the entire circuit. You want to select a weight you can get at least 12 to 15 reps with for that exercise. Every other exercise you do after that is going to be a stronger exercise that you should have no problem using that same weight for.

The next exercises will be the Barbell Row, the On-Barbell Push-Up, Stiff-Legged Deadlift, Bar-In-Front Lunges then Standing Calf Raises. Each exercise should be taken to the point where Lactate build-up shuts you down.

Barbell Hang Clean and Press

Barbell Hang Clean and Press

Barbell Hang Clean and Press

Barbell Hang Clean and Press

Barbell Hang Clean and Press

Perform as many reps as you can with this exercise (stay short of failure, but really go for the burn). Then go immediately into barbell rows.

barbell row

barbell row

Once you've hit as many as you can with that, set the bar on the ground and do push-ups on top of the bar. As you can see, not only are we working our way down the body, we're working antagonistic muscle groups as we go, too.



When you've repped out on push-ups, stand up and begin doing Stiff-Legged Deadlifts.

Stiff-Legged Deadlifts

Stiff-Legged Deadlifts

When you can't do any more of these, go directly into Bar-in-Front Lunges.

You may not have seen this one before, but it's easy to do. Just keep the bar in front of you during the lunge. At the bottom, it will rest on your thigh (giving your grip a brief rest). This actually matches the strength curve of the exercise very effectively (easier at the bottom, harder as you come up to the top where the leverage is better).

Bar-in-Front Lunges

Bar-in-Front Lunges

Stand up then step forward with the other leg.

Bar-in-Front Lunges

Bar-in-Front Lunges

Then finally, finish with a set of Standing Calf Raises (bar in front again). These will only have about half the range of motion, since you're doing them standing on the floor. These aren't going to develop monster calves...they're here to squeeze just a little bit more out of you before you finish.

And honestly, by the time you get to this point, your grip will be about shot and you will be almost ready to collapse.

Standing Calf Raises

Standing Calf Raises

Set the bar down. You're done.

Take 3 minutes rest, then go again, doing a total of 3-5 rounds of this circuit.

One of the biggest advantages of this circuit is how quick and easy it is to set up. It only requires one barbell to work every major muscle group in your body...perfect when you're crunched for time or training in a crowded gym.


Want more killer metabolic conditioning workouts for burning fat while keeping ALL your muscle and strength? Get 75 of them in my "Metabolic Monsters" book...



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