Two Barbell Cross Swings for Deep Core Strength

This exercise looks a lot like cross-country skiing. It puts strong anti-rotational loading on the deep core muscles on every rep as they work to control the opposing forces of the two barbells swinging in opposite directions. It's the perfect exercise for athletes and for tightening up the waist.



This exercise puts incredible demands on the core, specifically for dealing with rotational forces that happen with athletic movements.


Every swing requires your deep core muscles (obliques and transversus) to work to stabilize the spine while dealing with opposing forces and momentum.

Picture the limb movement of a sprinter and how the core has to work to as it deals with the arms and legs moving in opposition...that's what this exercise works.

It's also amazing for tightening up the waist.

Start with just two empty bars (add weight in small increments - I've got a pair of 5 lb plates on each end of the bar, which is 65 lbs in each hand).

Grip in the center then stand up. Make sure the balance of your grip is might need a little adjusting.

Two Barbell Cross Swings for Deep Core Strength Start

Then do the swing, one forward, one backward.

Two Barbell Cross Swings for Deep Core Strength Swing

Two Barbell Cross Swings for Deep Core Strength Full Swing

At the bottom of each rep, dip the knees a bit then pop back up to keep the momentum going. The video shows this best.

Two Barbell Cross Swings for Deep Core Strength Dip Knees

Try to keep the bars horizontal as much as you can during the swings.

Two Barbell Cross Swings for Deep Core Strength Full Swing

It can also be done with dumbbells, kettlebells or weight plates with built-in handles.

The extra benefit to the barbell version here is the grip and forearm work you're going to get.

Balancing two bars like this while swinging them puts MASSIVE workload on the grip and forearms, which is also a benefit for athletes.

It also means you don't have to worry about dumbbell plates or a kettlebell bell from hitting your legs on the swings.

And it's also going to help develop coordination.

Just make sure you're not in an area where you could hit somebody with the bar!

Another fantastic functional deep core exercise is Dumbbell Crawling.


Want 90 more unique and challenging exercises to SHRED your core? Check out The Best Core Exercises You've Never Heard Of!



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