Incredible Deep Core Training With Propeller Pallof Presses

This variation of the Pallof Press is going to hit your core with a completely novel movement pattern. It's killer strength training for the deep core muscles in a way they've never experienced before.




This exercise works anti-rotation in the FRONTAL plane instead of the transverse plane that the regular version of the Pallof Press works in...

(see what I did there....propeller...plane...).


If you want to visualize this plane of movement, think of a dumbbell side bend and how the body tilts directly to the side. That's a useless exercise but that's the plane this exercise works in.

This exercise is a much better way to work in that plane.

The regular Pallof Press work anti-rotation in the transverse plane which divides the top and bottom half of your body. This is the plane you would see used in a trunk rotation exercise...which is also kind of useless and potentially damaging to the lower back.

One of the best benefits of this setup is that you're working those deep core muscles in a VERY functional way...standing and pushing. It's not a core exercise done lying down.


How to Do Propeller Pallof Presses For Frontal Plane Deep Core Strength


For the first version, use an EZ curl bar with a band pulling low on one end and another band pulling high on the other end. I'll show you how to do it with an Olympic bar as well, if you're strong enough.

If you need bands, click here to shop at my recommended online band store.

Use coupon code RBTFITSTEP to get 10% off any band packages there)


Step forward with the leg that's on the side with the high band for best stability.

Propeller Pallof Presses Start

The bands are trying to spin the bar like a propeller and you're trying to prevent that spin. You push/press the bar forward and away from you, trying to keep it vertical, thus preventing rotation in the frontal plane (which biomechanically is the plane that divides the front and back half of the body).

Propeller Pallof Presses for Deep Core

It's a very novel movement pattern that I've never hit before myself and have never seen worked before with any other exercise.

Propeller Pallof Presses Frontal Plane

Propeller Pallof Presses Finish

You want to push with the same side hand as the band is pulling back on, e.g. when the high band is on your right side, your right hand should be high with your left hand low. I tried reversing it and pulling with the opposing hand instead but it's awkward and torques the lower back a bit too much.

I could really feel this hitting the obliques strongly as well as the stabilizing muscles up and down my spine. I like this one a lot and all you need is a pair of light bands, an EZ bar and something to hitch the bands onto.

I did also try it with the bands directly to the side hitched in a cable cross-over machine. This didn't work nearly as well. Having the bands behind and closer together as hitched in the rack like this was much more effective.

This is definitely worth trying for deep core strengthening and stabilizing in a completely unique movement pattern.



Propeller Pallof Presses With an Olympic Bar

If you're strong enough to perform this one, it's going to add an anti-flexion/bracing element of resistance to the exercise in addition to the anti-rotation in the EZ Curl version.

Here's the video of this exercise in action...



Using the heavier Olympic bar really amps up the intensity of the work. You'll notice in the video that I'm using a more powerful movement to get the bar pushed out than with the EZ curl version.

I've got the bands attached to the bar higher and lower, which creates more frontal plane anti-rotational torque as well.

Propeller Pallof Presses With an Olympic Bar

Propeller Pallof Presses With an Olympic Bar 2

Push out until your arms are extended as much as you can get them.

Propeller Pallof Presses With an Olympic Bar 3

Do as many reps as you can do on one side, then take a brief rest...then switch the bands (move the high one to low and the low one to high) and repeat on the other side.

Propeller Pallof Presses With an Olympic Bar

Propeller Pallof Presses With an Olympic Bar

Propeller Pallof Presses With an Olympic Bar

This is one a beast on the core but hits the shoulders, chest and triceps as well.


Want 90 more unique and challenging exercises to SHRED your core? Check out The Best Core Exercises You've Never Heard Of!



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Want Another Deep Core Exercise Like This?

Another excellent combination exercise for tightening up and strengthening the deep muscles of the core is one that I call "Ab Rippers."

It sounds horrible but it's actually VERY effective, combining a push and a pull at the same time as the torque goes directly through the core.



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