Two Kettlebell Sit-Ups For Six-Pack Ab Training

This unique sit-up variation just hammers the six-pack abs, with a strong focus on the lower abs. You will need a couple of kettlebells to perform it.




The sit-up is a common exercise that, when done conventionally, can be very tough on the back. This variation helps eliminate some of that back stress while increasing the effect on the abs.


This Exercise Will Shred Your Six-Pack Abs...Here's How To Do It:

First, set a pair of kettlebells on the floor, a couple of feet apart.

This one uses the kettlebells as apparatus rather than resistance, so the weight doesn't matter too much (they do need to be heavy enough to provide some stability in the exercise,'ll see).

Lie down between them and shift them inwards right up against your hips, as close in as you can.

Two Kettlebell Sit-Ups For Six-Pack Ab Training Start

Now you're going to do a straight-leg sit-up.

As you do the sit-up, try to pull the kettlebells inwards towards your body while also using them to assist with the sit-up, as needed (primarily try to pull inwards, though).

Two Kettlebell Sit-Ups For Six-Pack Ab Training Middle

Come all the way up to the very top, until your torso is vertical.

Two Kettlebell Sit-Ups For Six-Pack Ab Training Top

Now for the "sprinkles"... we're going to add some sprinkles to the ice cream of the exercise to really maximize the contraction in the abs.

Lean forward and extend your elbows, pushing up into the top position of a dip (essentially). Keep your legs straight.

Two Kettlebell Sit-Ups For Six-Pack Ab Training Push

This extra movement goes right into the six-pack abs...the sit-up part acts like a pre-exhaust for it.
If you're strong enough, you could potentially try and keep your feet off the ground and come up into an "L sit." My hip flexors weren't having it, even though I did try.

Set yourself back down on the floor, then lie back down (under control) and repeat the sequence. At the bottom, you may find you need to adjust the kettlebell positioning (I do this in the video a few times).


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