1. One and a Quarter Reps on Barbell Bench Press
How do we increase the specific tension being placed on the pecs during the barbell bench press? Easy. We focus more time on the bottom 1/4 of the exercise, where the pecs are under greater stretch.
Having a thick, rock-solid chest is a major goal for most guys. Yet often the regular barbell bench press is not the best exercise to develop the chest. Learn a variety of options and alternative exercises for building your chest.
How do we increase the specific tension being placed on the pecs during the barbell bench press? Easy. We focus more time on the bottom 1/4 of the exercise, where the pecs are under greater stretch.
This is an advanced push-up variation that is going to challenge your chest, triceps and core VERY strongly. It's going to teach and train kinesthetic awareness and force strict form and tension during the push-up.
It's likely that you've NEVER thought of the push-up as a way to build top-end, high-threshold strength...the kind of strength that can actually help increase your 1 rep max bench press weights substantially. That's what THIS exercise is going to do for you...
The best part of the Dumbbell Flye is the STRETCH....honestly, the only reason to do the flye exercise is to get that big stretch at the bottom. This version of the flye is done using a pair of barbell plates for maximum stretch.
If you want to build a bigger bench press, the key is developing power out of the bottom. This method uses dumbbells to build that power out of the bottom, similar to a Pin Press with a barbell.
This setup is a GREAT way to get the pecs working in a bench press, especially the upper chest. If you're familiar with the Parrillo Arched Bench, this is a rigged up way to do pretty much the exact same thing using a stack of bumper plates.
If you're an advanced trainer looking for a way to amp up the tension on your pecs when doing push-ups, this unique push-up variation is for you. All you need is a couple of bumper plates and your pecs will be on fire.
It's like the 12 Days of Christmas with AWESOME training instead of birds...