1. Arms-90 Hybrid Shrugs
Big upper traps look awesome...but to fully develop the trapezius muscle, you need to also address the mid and lower traps. The lower traps, especially are tough to get at effectively. This exercise ATTACKS them.
Big traps and neck, a.k.a. the "yoke", are important not only for contact sports but for overall strength and stability of the upper body.
Big upper traps look awesome...but to fully develop the trapezius muscle, you need to also address the mid and lower traps. The lower traps, especially are tough to get at effectively. This exercise ATTACKS them.
If you want to get yoked and build serious traps that stick out from your T-shirt like big lumps of meat, this exercise is for you.
You'll be combining two forms of resistance into one movement to better match the strength curve and fiber alignment of the target muscles...the trapezius.
If you don't have a trap bar for shrugs, you can do something very similar...and potentially even better...with a straight bar and a bench. It'll give you additional isometric tension at the top of the shrug as well.
This shrug setup creates a "machine" version of the exercise, allowing you to focus on working the trap muscles effectively instead of trying work around your body.
It's like the 12 Days of Christmas with AWESOME training instead of birds...