Glute Exercises

Glute training is important for both men and women. Having strong glutes is a critical part of the posterior chain that drives the major movements like squats and deadlifts.


Low-Pulley Bench Step-Ups

1. Low-Pulley Bench Step-Ups

The Bench Step-Up is an excellent leg and glute exercise. It's one of the most common movements you do on a day to day basis, making this a very functional exercise. This version is going to add some resistance, using a low pulley.



Single Leg Bench Squats

2. Single Leg Bench Squats

This is one of the BEST glute-building exercises you can do, and it only requires bodyweight to perform. It puts maximum tension on the glutes at the bottom because of the stretch.



Pistol Side-Squats

3. Pistol Side-Squats

This version of the Pistol Squat targets the glutes and hips with a lateral component. This increases the involvement of the gluteus medius and minimus.



Rack Glute-Ham Raises

4. Rack Glute-Ham Raises

This setup mimics the Glute-Ham Raise machine, which is one of the best ways to target the glutes and hamstrings. If you don't have the proper machine, you can do THIS.



Side Pivot Barbell Split Squats

5. Side Pivot Barbell Split Squats

This version of the Split Squat uses a landmine-type setup to focus the tension not only on the gluteus maximus but the gluteus minimus and medius as well, due to the sideways track of the movement.



Side-Step Goblet Squats

6. Side-Step Goblet Squats

If you want to challenge almost your entire body, along with the glutes, with one exercise, you're going to want to give this one a try. All you need is a single dumbbell.



Sit-On-It Dumbbell Squats

7. Sit-On-It Dumbbell Squats

If you want to build bigger, better, stronger glutes, I've got an exercise that is going literally kick your butt...and all you need is a single dumbbell.



Towel Pistol Squats

8. Towel Pistol Squats

This is a variation of a one-legged squat exercise, done with a towel wrapped around a pole to help stabilize your body as you're doing it and to allow to you work in a more effective for the glutes.



Towel Pistol Squats

9. Dip Belt Abductors-on-Fire Squats for Building Squat Strength

Developing powerful hips is key for the squat. The gluteus medius and minimus muscles are critically important for stabilizing the hips and providing power during the squat. This exercise setup strengthens them in the EXACT way they should be used in a squat.





Hip Push-Pulls for More Powerful Athletic Movement

11. Hip Push-Pulls for More Powerful Athletic Movement

This exercise will strengthen the hip and lower core during powerful, opposing-force movements by focusing on strong hip extension on one side and hip flexion on the other side. This dual action may look strange in the gym, but it's exactly what you're doing when you sprint!





Moving Plate Holds To Build Your Abductors

13. Moving Plate Holds To Build Your Abductors

Developing powerful abductors is key for the squat. The gluteus medius and minimus muscles are critically important for stabilizing the hips and providing power during the squat. This simple isometric "moving plate" exercise lights them up.









Landmine Glute Split Squats For Complete Glute Training

17. Landmine Glute Split Squats For Complete Glute Training

This split squat setup allows you to hit the glutes with an excellent stretch AND a solid contraction at the top, similar to combining a split squat with a hip thrust. The angled body position also brings in the gluteus medius and minimus.



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