Tricep Exercises

Big, thick horseshoe triceps make up 2/3 of the mass of the upper arms. If you want to maximize your tricep size and shape, these exercises will help you do just that.


Barbell Lever Pushdowns

1. Barbell Lever Pushdowns

This is a great way to isolate the triceps using very simple equipment, especially if you don't have access to a cable machine or bands. It's going to give you an excellent "at-home" pushdown setup.



Barbell Tricep Rollouts

2. Barbell Tricep Rollouts

This exercise is going to ATTACK the long head of your literally attack it. You'll be using bodweight and a strong stretch to put massive tension on that long head.





Close Neutral Grip Dumbbell Bench Press

4. Close Neutral Grip Dumbbell Bench Press

If you want big, strong arms, you need to press, and you need to press HEAVY. That's where this exercise comes into's a variation of the Close Grip Bench Press, the classic mass-builder for the triceps.



Dumbbell-Leverage Close Grip Bench Press

5. Dumbbell-Leverage Close Grip Bench Press

This exercise is a GREAT one for targeting the contraction of the triceps. It uses the principles of gravity and leverage to focus the tension directly on the triceps at the lockout position of the press, keeping the tension on when normally it would be almost completely lost.



Bodyweight Tricep Extensions to Hindu Push-Ups

6. Bodyweight Tricep Extensions to Hindu Push-Ups

This one is a killer tricep combo exercise and all you need is a bench to do it on. It's a combination alternating between a bodyweight tricep extension and a butchered Hindu push-up. This hits overhead stretch and peak contraction in one set.



Bodyweight Tricep Extensions on the Bar End

7. Bodyweight Tricep Extensions on the Bar End

If you want to build serious tricep mass, you need to focus on building the biggest of the three heads...the long head. This bodyweight extension setup puts massive stretch-loading on the long head for an incredible muscle-building effect.







Isolate your Triceps With Rolling-Wall Skullcrushers

10. Isolate your Triceps With Rolling-Wall Skullcrushers

When doing direct tricep work, isolating the muscles without bringing in other muscle groups is critical. This version of the skullcrusher gives you the stabilization benefits of a machine while keeping some of the freedom of movement of free weight.





Behind-the-Back Band Dips For Building Tricep Mass

12. Behind-the-Back Band Dips For Building Tricep Mass

Parallel Bar Dips are one of the best exercises you can do for building tricep mass. This unique band setup allows you to add directional resistance in two directions to the top of the exercise...up and back...exactly what works best for the triceps.

























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