Bicep Exercises

Big, peaked biceps are the hallmark of a complete physique. These exercises cover a variety of angles and movement patterns, including compound and isolation movements.


One and a Quarter Rep Barbell Curls

1. One and a Quarter Rep Barbell Curls

This technique overloads the biceps with increased time under tension for increased growth stimulus. The performance removes the momentum from the barbell curl, forcing the biceps to do more work for better results.





Band Blood-Flow Restriction Curls

3. Band Blood-Flow Restriction Curls

If you want bigger biceps, one of the most effective methods you can use is called Blood Flow Restriction training (BFR for short), also known as Occlusion Training. This technique allows you to use regular bands to achieve this effect.



Bench-End Dynamic Incline Dumbbell Curls

4. Bench-End Dynamic Incline Dumbbell Curls

One of the best exercise for building the biceps is the Incline Dumbbell Curl...and this is primarily because of the massive STRETCH you can put on the biceps at the bottom of the exercise. What if there was a way to get even MORE stretch on the biceps while also getting a much better CONTRACTION as well?



Carry and Hang Bicep Finisher

5. Carry and Hang Bicep Finisher

If you want big, impressive biceps and "normal" exercises like barbell and dumbbell curls aren't getting the job done for you on their own, try THIS finisher at the end of every bicep workout. It will give you a MONSTER pump while targeting just about every single muscle fiber you've got in your biceps.



Stacked Plate Incline Curls for Bicep Stretch Tension

6. Stacked Plate Incline Curls for Bicep Stretch Tension

This is a GREAT variation of the incline curl concept. The unique shape of the plates for setup allows for much better stretch and contraction than standard form on a regular incline bench....which means more bicep growth for you!



Levered Goblet Bicep Squats for Intense Bicep Contraction

7. Levered Goblet Bicep Squats for Intense Bicep Contraction

This exercise doesn't even look like a bicep exercise but it will absolutely DESTROY your biceps with a peak contraction like you've never felt before. This is a modified goblet squat done in a very particular fashion to put MASSIVE tension on your biceps.



Swing Step Curls For a Powerful Bicep Stretch

8. Swing Step Curls For a Powerful Bicep Stretch

Normally, we don't want momentum in our bicep exercises. This exercise changes that. You're going to use targeted and powerful momentum to put a surprisingly big stretch on your biceps with every step you take.























Band Clamp Chin-Ups For Bigger Biceps

19. Band Clamp Chin-Ups For Bigger Biceps

Chin-ups are actually one of THE most effective bicep-building exercises you can do. You get great muscle activation and overload. This variation adds an additional element of tension by clamping your hands down onto stretched bands while chinning.













Band Kettlebell Hanging Curls for Full-Range Bicep Training

25. Band Kettlebell Hanging Curls for Full-Range Bicep Training

This variation of the band curl hits the biceps through their entire range of motion, from full stretch to strong contraction. And by hanging kettlebells from the bands, you get tension through the entire range of motion, including the stretch position where bands are normally slacker.



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