Dip Belt Hanging Knee Raises For Six Pack and Lower Abs

The Hanging Knee Raise is a great exercise for developing the six-pack abs and the hip flexors. This simple adjustment of a dip belt will allow you to add extra resistance to the movement to build even more power in the abs and hip flexors.




The Hanging Knee Raise is an excellent exercise for the six-pack abs, specifically targeting the lower abs.

As well, one of the best ways to improve your running speed is to develop power in your hip flexors. The more powerful your hip flexors are, the faster your stride will become by allowing you to get your forward again faster.


How To Hit Your Six-Pack Abs and Lower Abs With a Weighted Hanging Knee Raise:

To perform this one, you'll need a dip belt, a weight plate and a chin-up bar.

I recommend using a bumper plate for this as it will be bigger size than a steel plate and more comfortable to set on your legs.

I'm using a dip belt from Dark Iron Fitness (great piece of equipment...highly recommended).

Get the belt on then turn the weight plate 90 degrees so that it's resting on top of your knees and not hanging between your legs.

Dip Belt Hanging Knee Raises For Six Pack Abs Setup

Now reach up and grab the bar and get into position.

Dip Belt Hanging Knee Raises For Six Pack Abs Start

Perform the exercise as you normally would...knees bent. The plate will provide direct resistance. I'm using a 25 lb plate here.

Dip Belt Hanging Knee Raises For Six Pack Abs Middle

Come up as high as you can...your hips and knees will be bent 90 degrees at the top.

Dip Belt Hanging Knee Raises For Six Pack Abs Top

Lower and repeat.

I recommend going for a powerful movement at the start, rather than trying to control it and go slow. It's much better for developing power in the hip flexors, while still getting the six-pack ab benefits.

This is definitely an advanced ab exercise...you'll need to be strong enough to be able to the unweighted version properly for at least 6-8 reps before trying it with weight.

If you need a more "beginner-friendly" lower ab exercise, try the Incline Bench Single Leg Knee Raise.


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