Bar-Band Leverage Pulldowns For Targeting Lower Lats

The lower, inner aspect of your lats (the origin points) are normally very hard to specifically target with most pulldown or rowing exercises. This banded pulldown variation allows you to dig right into there very effectively.




The lower, inner aspect of your lats is always challenging to really put tension on...this exercise does it incredibly well.


The specific arc of the exercise as well as the usage of band tension really allows you to get your mind-muscle connection in tune with the area. I've never found anything that targets it so effectively.

To set this up, you'll need a power rack or chin-up bar, an Olympic bar, and bands (I'm using two green medium bands here).

If you need bands, click here for my recommended source (use code rbtfitstep for 10% off any band package)

Setting this one up in the power rack (or potentially a Smith machine) will be easier, but if you don't have a rack, you can use any chin-up bar or cross-beam that is about 7 feet or so high and has something nearby to brace the bottom end of the bar against.

If you have a landmine attachment, this will work great and open the exercise to more possible setups.

Hitch the band or bands to the bar then loop the other end around the end of the bar, about 5 inches down from the end...enough to grip onto it.

Brace the other end against something solid, so that you have an angle like this.

Get down on one knee and grip the end of the bar.

Bar-Band Leverage Pulldowns For Targeting Lower Lats Start

Now pull the bar end down until your hand is right by your chest.

Bar-Band Leverage Pulldowns For Targeting Lower Lats Finish

You won't get much resistance in the first half of the movement, but as you come to the bottom, the band tension increases, all the way into the peak contraction.

And this peak contraction NAILS the lower/inner lat area.

The reason this works so much better than most other exercises for it is that you've got a reverse arc movement pattern. And while this may SEEM a bit counterintuitive, this actually shifts the tension right into that exact area (though this happens at the expense of tension and activation for most of the range of motion before you get into this position).

Hold this position for a few seconds and squeeze to get the most out of it, then return to the start position.

There isn't much resistance on the negative, but that's ok...this one is all about the contraction at the bottom. This makes it an excellent finishing exercise for the lats but not much good for overall mass building.

Go for 8-12 reps on one side then switch to the other.

Bar-Band Leverage Pulldowns For Targeting Lower Lats Top

Bar-Band Leverage Pulldowns For Targeting Lower Lats Bottom


How to make it hit the lower / inner lats even BETTER...


This trick helps to really ramp up the targeted tension.

As you're pulling down, take pressure off your back knee...almost as though you're trying to lift your back knee off the ground.

I show it coming off the ground in the picture to illustrate the concept, but you don't have to actually lift that back knee off the ground...just pull your body up towards the bar as you're pulling it down in order to get the INTENTION of bringing the back knee off the ground.

It's tough to explain but once you do it, you'll get a feel for it.

Bar-Band Leverage Pulldowns For Targeting Lower Lats Intention

You can also perform this exercise using half reps, keeping the tension on the lats close to that "money" position.

Bar-Band Leverage Pulldowns For Targeting Lower Lats Half Reps

Bar-Band Leverage Pulldowns For Targeting Lower Lats Half Reps

Don't release tension, just pump that bottom position until you can't anymore.


How to Use It In a Back Workout


This is an exercise you'll want to use either as a lat activation exercise at the start of your back training or as a could be useful in a pre-exhaust setting as well.

It's not a heavy exercise nor does it create much muscle's all about targeted tension.

But it LASER targets that extreme lower and inner lat area, right on on the line of insertion points where the lats attach onto your spine.

If you'd like to try a killer variation of the pull-up for lat width, try the Two Vertical Bar Pull-Up.



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