Corner Rack Pull-Ups For Building Wider Lats

This variation takes the pull-up to a whole new level of stretch and tension on the lats, effectively targeting the outermost fibers of the lats for improving back width.




It's very simple...instead of doing pull-ups on a regular straight pull-up bar, you will do them in the corner of a power rack, gripping onto the two top corner cross-beams.


How to Use This Rack Pull-Up to Build Wider Lats...

The key with this exercise is that you will grip with your palms facing OUTWARDS, away from your body.

Because as you pull-up, you want to focus on actually PUSHING outwards against the beams. This "push" helps take the biceps and brachialis out of the movement, putting even more focus on the lats.

As well, you will also use a thumbless (false) grip, which further takes the biceps out.

You'll need to be strong enough to do at least 7-10 regular pull-ups before using this one.

Start from a dead hang at the bottom. Make sure you still maintain some tension in the shoulder joints.

Corner Rack Pull-Ups For Building Wider Lats bottom

Now begin the pull-up by activating the lats and pushing outwards against the beams. This will put massive tension on the outermost fibers of the lats. You will feel this from the very first rep.

Use a very controlled, zero-momentum movement here. This is absolutely critical. There should be no pumping or power pulling here. Feel your lats activating strongly as you pull up.

Corner Rack Pull-Ups For Building Wider Lats middle

Come all the way up as high as you can.

Corner Rack Pull-Ups For Building Wider Lats top

Lower slowly, coming back down into the bottom position. At the bottom, let the shoulder blades come up to get a full stretch on the lats. Again, don't let tension out of the shoulder joints. This is a very controlled movement.

I recommend performing 3-4 sets of as many quality reps as you can get.


Corner Rack Pull-Ups With Lateral Band Tension to Hit the Lats Even Harder...

Now we're going to add some constant directional resistance in the form of a band. This is going to put even MORE tension onto those lat fibers.

I'm using a small 42 inch band looped in half.

If you need bands, click here to go to my recommended store for bands (use coupon code "RBTFITSTEP" to get 10% off any band packages on that page).

Corner Rack Pull-Ups For Building Wider Lats bands

Put your hands through the loops of the bands and set them on your wrists.

Corner Rack Pull-Ups For Building Wider Lats band loops

Now the fun begins...

Grip the rack with your left hand, then stretch the band and grip it with your right hand. You'll feel the constant tension immediately.

Corner Rack Pull-Ups For Building Wider Lats band setup

This is going to force your lats to not only pull you up, but also fight to keep the hands from being pulled inwards at the same time. It is absolutely brutal and incredibly effective.

Corner Rack Pull-Ups For Building Wider Lats band bottom

Then perform the pull-up, just like you did in the original version.

Corner Rack Pull-Ups For Building Wider Lats band middle

Corner Rack Pull-Ups For Building Wider Lats band top

These will be tougher reps...the constant stretch is extremely demanding.

Perform 2-3 sets of this one.



Start with the regular Corner Rack Pull-Up and make sure you feel it exactly where and how you need to feel it. Once you get comfortable with that, you can add in the lateral band tension and really put it over the top.

After working these hard, you will feel soreness in your lats that you've NEVER felt before. I found it not only got the outermost fibers, it really targeted the lower lats nicely as well, especially when you make sure to pull up as high as you possibly can.

If you'd like to try another killer variation of the pull-up for lat width, try the Two Vertical Bar Pull-Up.


Want more unique and challenging exercises to work your entire body with simple equipment? All you need is just a barbell, dumbbells and a bench. Check out The Best Home Gym Exercises You've Never Heard Of!



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