One-Arm Bench Plank Dumbbell Rows For Back And Deep Core Anti-Rotational Strength

Even though this is a back exercise, it actually hits the deep core muscles very strongly because of how they're activated to stabilize the load while you're lifting it.




This exercise is similar in concept to the Renegade Row done with your hand on a bench instead of on the floor.


Basically, you're doing a normal one-arm dumbbell row, with one hand set on the bench out in front of you with your feet set fairly wide apart (about 3 feet or so for maximum stability and base of support).
Your non-working arm is locked out pretty much straight and you'll keep a bend at the hips in order to keep torque off the lower back.

One-Arm Bench Plank Dumbbell Rows For Back And Deep Core Anti-Rotational Strength Start

Then row...

One-Arm Bench Plank Dumbbell Rows For Back And Deep Core Anti-Rotational Strength Top

Don't use any heaving or jerking with this one. Select a weigth that you can row under control with good form.
When you get into heavier weights (I'm using a 105 lb dumbbell here), you'll notice MAJOR rotational torque going through the deep muscles of your core.
Your body position forces the load to be stabilized through the deep core (obliques and transversus) as you row.
Keep your core stationary while you row...some thoracic (upper back) rotation is fine.

Perform your reps on one side then switch to the other side.

One-Arm Bench Plank Dumbbell Rows For Back And Deep Core Anti-Rotational Strength Start

One-Arm Bench Plank Dumbbell Rows For Back And Deep Core Anti-Rotational Strength Top

Bottom line, this is a good one for your back but a GREAT one for your deep core anti-rotational strength.

To balance out the anti-rotational strength of the core, try Typewriter Hypers for the lower back.


Want more unique and challenging exercises to work your entire body with simple equipment? All you need is just a barbell, dumbbells and a bench. Check out The Best Home Gym Exercises You've Never Heard Of!



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