A simple EZ Bar Hack for Greater Bicep Activation

This is a very simple way to change up your grip on the EZ Curl Bar in order to maximize the tension that the exercises places on the biceps.




The EZ Curl Bar was not invented to make bicep training more effective...


It was actually invented to reduce the torque on the wrists, compared to straight bar curls.

It does this by setting your hands at an angle instead of being straight horizontal and supinated (palms up).

Now...if you have wrist issues, this is a very good thing. If you don't, the EZ curl bar can actually reduce the effectiveness of the curl for targeting the biceps because of that angle. It's definitely still going to work the biceps, just not as effectively as a straight bar.

This simple hack will actually make it even MORE effective than the straight bar curl by rotating / supinating your forearms even MORE.

All you're going to do is grip on the EZ curl bar in closer, on the inner bends of the bar, with your pinkies higher, instead of on the outer bends, with your thumbs higher.

A simple EZ Bar Hack for Greater Bicep Activation Position

It's literally just that simple.

This placement puts the forearms in a bit greater supination than the straight bar. You can see this clearly in the bottom position of the curl here.

A simple EZ Bar Hack for Greater Bicep Activation Bottom

A simple EZ Bar Hack for Greater Bicep Activation Middle

Now...the weird thing is...when you come up to the top of the curl, it LOOKS like the thumbs are higher again. This is a bit of an optical illusion because of the camera angle (I couldn't figure out how to best show it).

Basically, at the top, your pinkies should be angled in towards your face. If and when you try this hack, you'll see what I mean. As long as you keep your hands locked into that pinkies-higher position that you started with, you'll be fine.

A simple EZ Bar Hack for Greater Bicep Activation Top

When doing the curl, try to keep the elbows pointed down towards the ground and your upper arms at your sides for the first half of the movement. It's natural for the elbows to come forward a bit once you pass that point.

Just keep a solid grip on the bar and really focus on staying in the maximally-supinated position.

If you want more work for the upper arms, another excellent brachialis exercise is the Two Barbell Hammer Curl.



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