EZ Bar Hammer Curls For Brachialis Growth & Bigger Arms

This is a very simple and effective setup for targeting the brachialis muscle using a hammer curl movement. It gives you a unique training stimulus for working this often-forgotten muscle to maximize arm size.




Unlock Your Hidden Arm Size By Working Your Brachialis Muscles...


The brachialis muscles lie underneath the lower aspect of the biceps. When developed they work to push the biceps muscle up from underneath, increasing biceps peak and increasing overall arm size.

Building the brachialis will literally unlock "hidden" arm size as most people rarely, if ever, work their brachialis muscles.

To do this one, you'll need an EZ curl bar and a few plates.


It's super simple...


All you need to do is load a plate onto ONE end of the EZ curl bar.

Then grip the bar just under the plate loaded end and curl it.

I like to take a staggered stance for these with the leg opposite to your working arm set forward (curl with left, right leg forward). This helps to keep the loading within your center of balance.

EZ Bar Hammer Curls For Brachialis Growth & Bigger Arms start

EZ Bar Hammer Curls For Brachialis Growth & Bigger Arms middle

I like to come all the way up as high as I can when doing hammer curls. Note the wrist angle at the top of the movement. This angle helps keep tension on the brachialis at the top.

EZ Bar Hammer Curls For Brachialis Growth & Bigger Arms top

Do all your reps on one side, then set the bar on end and switch hands.

EZ Bar Hammer Curls For Brachialis Growth & Bigger Arms start

EZ Bar Hammer Curls For Brachialis Growth & Bigger Arms middle

EZ Bar Hammer Curls For Brachialis Growth & Bigger Arms top


Now, in answer to your question about can hold it from the other end with the weight on the bottom, yes. You can. FYI, because the weight will be hanging down, you'll only get about half the range of motion (unless you're standing on a bench or box). It does work well still, though.


If you want more work for the upper arms, another excellent brachialis exercise is the Two Barbell Hammer Curl.


Want more unique and challenging exercises to work your entire body with simple equipment? All you need is just a barbell, dumbbells and a bench. Check out The Best Home Gym Exercises You've Never Heard Of!




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