First off, the incline dumbbell curl is one of the BEST bicep-builders you can do...when done correctly, with a focus on the stretch position.
So to improve the stretch position, I always recommend you don't sit on the seat of the shift yourself UP so your feet are on the seat and your upper back is arched over top of the end of the bench.
This allows you to get your shoulders back further (retraction). And since the biceps muscle originates on the scapula (shoulder blade), this means you are able to put a greater stretch on the biceps.
This is a MUCH better way to do incline curls and if you only take one thing from this exercise, TAKE THAT! :)
Here's how to take the bicep stretch on the Incline Dumbbell Curl even further...
I decided to add a little more special sauce to the exercise and take my feet fully off the bench.
The only thing keeping me from sliding down the bench is how my upper back is "hooked" over the top edge of the bench.
This gives you motivation to maintain that arch over the end of the bench, which really then gets the shoulders back and keeps them there.
Now curl the dumbbells up.
The control over your balance on the bench is in the biceps during the curl.
This makes for MASSIVE muscle activation during the curl... you're constantly having to focus on tension while doing an incline curl, in order to keep your legs up and your body balanced.
Granted it looks absolutely nuts...but it works GREAT. This one is going to be an eye-opener for you, if you give it a go.
You're not really unstable with this're still stable. You're just using the biceps to control the "see saw" balance during the movement.
Really lean back into the stretch at the bottom and get those shoulders back. At the top, you'll also find you have to contract the biceps EXTREMELY hard in order to maintain your balance on the bench.
I like to superset this one going directly into Seated Standing Incline Curls right after finishing with these curls. You don't even need to set the weight down, just change your body position into the new exercise.
Are you 40...50...60 or even 70+ years old and want to build muscle and strength like you did 20 years ago?
If you feel like you're fighting a losing battle, you're ready to discover the REAL secret to REVERSING muscle loss due to aging...
*** You need to train the body systems that SUPPORT your muscle mass, not just the muscle itself. ***
These underlying support systems diminish as you age, which is why you lose muscle as you get older no matter how hard you train... but with strategic training, these systems can be regenerated.
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