Bottom Start Dumbbell Bench Press For Building Power Out of the Bottom

If you want to build a bigger bench press, the key is developing power out of the bottom. This method uses dumbbells to build that power out of the bottom, similar to a Pin Press with a barbell.




You can do this with barbell bench presses using an exercise called the Pin Press (pressing from a dead stop off the rails of the power rack set in the bottom position).

This technique is going to allow you to do the very same thing (pressing from a dead stop out of the bottom position) using dumbbells. This is useful if you don't have a rack to work with or if you want to focus specifically on improving your dumbbell bench press strength.


Here's How to Build Power Out Of the Bottom Of a Dumbbell Bench Press...

It's very simple...set up exactly like you're going to do a regular set of dumbbell bench presses.

Use a weight you can get about 15 reps for (to start can go heavier once you get comfortable with the technique). I'm using a pair of 85 pound dumbbells for the demo here.

Start with the dumbbells resting on end on your thighs.

Bottom Start Dumbbell Bench Press Setup

Now lie back with them, just like you would be to get them into position for a dumbbell bench press.

Bottom Start Dumbbell Bench Press Lie Back

Bottom Start Dumbbell Bench Press Bottom

Then press them out of the bottom position all the way to the top....just like a normal bench press.

Bottom Start Dumbbell Bench Press Top

Here's where it's different...

Instead of continuing the set, you're going to bring your thighs up towards your chest and lower the dumbbells onto your thighs.

Bottom Start Dumbbell Bench Press Return

The you're going to sit up again, taking ALL the tension fully off your chest, shoulders and triceps.

Bottom Start Dumbbell Bench Press Restart

Then just lie back and do it again...and again...and again...for 8-10 reps (fewer, if you're going heavier).

That's it!

It's just that simple. By fully taking tension off the chest like this, you're going to force your muscles to begin from a dead stop at the bottom of every single rep.

Not only is this excellent for developing power out of the bottom position, it gives you a lot of practice (and specific strength) for getting dumbbells into position for the dumbbell bench press by yourself, which is a good skill to have.

The video shows the transition from the top of the press back to the legs much better than pictures, so if you want to try this, definitely watch that to get the best idea of how to do it. It's actually my preferred way to finish a regular set as well, instead of dropping the dumbbells to the floor, which can damage the weights and your shoulders.

I would recommend 2-3 sets of this, with about 2 minutes rest in between sets. As I mentioned above, you can go heavier and aim for lower reps as well.

If you'd like to increase bench press strength, try my new Front-to-Back Loading technique.



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