Dumbbell Guillotine Bench Press for Upper Chest

If you have a hard time feeling your chest working when bench pressing, you are going to be in SHOCK when you try this one. Done properly, you will finally feel your pecs waking up, as though from a long slumber.




This is a dumbbell bench press variation of an exercise that was a favorite of Vince Gironda...the Guillotine Press, a.k.a. Press to the Neck.


This particular version that I'm going to show you is adapted for those (like myself) who's shoulders can't take the regular barbell version of that press, or the "standard form" dumbbell version, either.

I've found this variation, when done with a specific adjustment to form, is not only fine for the shoulders but still incredibly effective for digging into the upper/inner chest area, which is an incredibly tough area to really get at with most chest exercises.

The big difference? You're going to lower the dumbbells into the bottom of the press as though doing a normal dumbbell bench press. Then, while holding the dumbbells in that bottom position, you will flare your elbow up towards your head to get into the neck-press position...THEN you will press up.

This small adjustment to form makes a tremendous difference in the doability of the exercise for those with iffy shoulders.

First, grab a pair of moderate-weight dumbbells. I'm using 75's for this but the first time I did it, I used 50's. Start lighter so that the load doesn't overwhelm your ability to activate your mind-muscle connection.

This exercise is NOT about weight...it's about FEEL.

Get into the top position of the press, as you normally would.

Dumbbell Guillotine Bench Press for Upper Chest Start

Now lower the dumbbells as you normally would, bringing the elbows in towards the body somewhat...whatever your regular path is that feels good for you is fine.

Dumbbell Guillotine Bench Press for Upper Chest Bottom

Now HOLD that position at the bottom and flare your elbows, bringing your upper arms up towards your head.

Dumbbell Guillotine Bench Press for Upper Chest Shift

You should feel an immediate increase in the stretch on your pecs, specifically your upper pecs.

Now when you begin the press, do so with deliberate activation of the pecs, NOT the triceps or shoulders. Imagine as though you're trying to wrap your arms around a tree as you come up (just like Arnold's advice for flyes).

Dumbbell Guillotine Bench Press for Upper Chest Press

The goal here is to use as little triceps and shoulders as possible.

With that in mind, do this exercise slowly and under complete control.

We don't care about how many reps you get or how much weight you use...just properly directed tension on the pecs.

You should use enough weight that you're getting good loading on the muscles but not so much that you start focusing just on moving the weight. If you start to get that way with the weight, reduce it as it defeats the purpose of the exercise.

You can use this one at the start of your chest training as an activation exercise, as the main movement, or as a finisher.

Again, we're NOT counting reps but it should be at least 4 to 5 and will probably end up being not more than 10 or 12. But don't count...forget counting. Just be in the muscle. If you know how many reps you did in a set, you're not focusing strongly enough on the movement.

This one gets tougher as you plow through the set. Once you get to the point where you can't feel the activation or you can't keep the target form, end the set.

If you've had a hard time feeling your chest working with other bench press variations, this one will fix that FAST.


For a bodyweight exercise for upper chest work, try Upper Chest Bench Clench Push-Ups.



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