The Nilsson Press to SHRED Your Chest With Inwards Tension

This exercise is INCREDIBLE for your chest, especially if you have a hard time feeling your pecs working when you do barbell bench press. The addition of inwards-pulling band resistance WHILE benching will light up your chest like nothing else.




And honestly, if you DON'T have a hard time feeling your chest working while bench pressing, this method is going to be even better for you.


You're going to put your pecs under continuous tension (the bands pull outwards so your pecs will have to pull inwards...which is their primary function) WHILE you're doing a barbell bench press...two forms of resistance from two directions in one exercise.

This will turn your chest to jelly.

You are going to need a few pieces of specialized but fairly common pieces of equipment...barbell plates with handles in them (regular plates can work, too) and a pair of small bands.

(If you need bands, click here to for my recommended source - use coupon code RBTFITSTEP to get 10% off any band packages here).

Other than that, all you need is a bar, a rack (or bench press station) and four collars.


How to Set Up the Nilsson Press


First set up for the bench exactly as you normally would. Then set one set of collars about 12-15 inches from the inner collar of the bar. Put a handle plate on, then another collar (start with just the one can add weight later).

Then you're going to put the band through the handle...just in half so that you have the two ends coming inwards.

If you don't have plates with handles built in, you can loop the band end around the bar instead, so that the it comes across the plate. Using the plate handles do make the setup easier, though, if you have access to plates like that.

Nilsson Press Setup 1

When you do the exercise, you're going to be putting your forearms through the ends of the band then setting your hands on the bar, just as you normally would.

THIS is the reason you have to put the plates out further on the their normal position, with the bands folded in half, you don't get any tension. With the plates out further, you stretch the bands and get tension.

This tension is CRITICAL for the exercise to work!

Nilsson Press Band Loop

The bands will stretch and create CONSTANT outwards-pulling tension, which your pecs will have to fight by constantly pulling INWARDS.

This is their primary function...and when you combine it with the pressing movement, the results are RIDICULOUSLY effective.

Sit on the bench, then loop your left wrist through band.

Nilsson Press Setup 2

Then lean over and put your right wrist through the other band.

Nilsson Press Setup 3

Now get the bands a few inches down from your wrists, onto your forearms. You don't want the bands to be right in the wrist joint. I found a few inches down to be much more comfortable.

Nilsson Press Setup 4

Now lie back and get into position for the bench press, just as you normally would with the exact same grip.

You will find with the band tension, your upper body feels immediately tighter...and the weight may even feel lighter than it normally does. Don't let that fool you, though, as the increase in TENSION on the pecs will more than make up for it.

With that in mind, don't try to go super heavy on this's more useful for the tension, not for heavy loading.

Nilsson Press Top

Lower the bar to the bottom position.

Nilsson Press Bottom

If you're doing this exercise in the rack with safety rails, the bands will stretch at the bottom, which will actually help you a bit out of the bottom without losing any tension in the pecs.

Then press up to the top, just as you normally would.

Nilsson Press Top

You will immediately feel the constant tension on the pecs...and you will also feel how much tougher the exercise is with TRUE continuous tension after just a few reps.

I recommend sets of at least 5 reps with this exercise...even up into the 15+ range is fine. Don't go to complete failure but push hard.

You can do 3-5 sets of this exercise, and yes, you can definitely do this on inline bench press as well.

Bottom line, if you love bench pressing and want to really crank up the effect on your pecs...and make the bench press a REAL chest-builder, give this setup a try!


For a bodyweight exercise that hits the "inward" function of the pecs, try Upper Chest Bench Clench Push-Ups.

The Nilsson Press exercise has also been featured on, demonstrated by Coach Christian Thibaudeau.



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