Low-Pulley Bench Step-Ups For Glutes and Legs

The Bench Step-Up is an excellent leg and glute exercise. It's one of the most common movements you do on a day to day basis, making this a very functional exercise. This version is going to add some resistance, using a low pulley.




The key with this exercise is that you're going to be gripping above your head to balance and stabilize the movement, allowing you to use a decent amount of weight with it.

Ideally, you would do this one in a cable cross-over set-up, so that you can grab onto the top cross-beam. If you don't have that, you'll need to figure out something else high up to grab to do the exercise as use the low pulley for the step-up does change the balance of the movement and really does need something to grab onto.


This Setup Allows You To Spot Yourself So You Can Push Your Glutes and Legs Harder

Set your flat bench beside the low pulley. Grab onto a single handle and grab onto the top cross-beam of the machine with an underhand grip (works better than overhand).

Now step up, pushing with the leg on the bench as MUCH as possible. Some assistance with the foot on the ground is going to happen unless you specifically avoid it, which you can do by

Low-Pulley Bench Step-Up StartLow-Pulley Bench Step-Up Top

Repeat for 6 to 8 reps then switch legs.

Low-Pulley Bench Step-Up StartLow-Pulley Bench Step-Up Top

The grip on the cross-beam is primarily for balance but can be used to help pull yourself up as your legs fatigue.

The other version of this requires a bit lighter weight...it means no touching that other leg down onto the ground. This keeps the tension on the working leg better.

Low-Pulley Bench Step-Up No TouchdownLow-Pulley Bench Step-Up No Touch Bottom


Low-Pulley Bench Step-Up No TouchLow-Pulley Bench Step-Up No Touch Bottom

Now, if you have something a bit lower to grab onto, you can come down into the squat more. You will be limited in how low you can go by how long your arm is, as you want to keep your grip on that top bar the whole time.

That's the exercise! It's a great way to hit the glutes and allows you to use some good resistance with the step-up movement.

If you don't have a cable setup, you can also do One Leg Bench Squats as well. This is one of the best glute-building bodyweight exercises you can do!



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