Rolling Dumbbell Lunges for Adductors/Inner Thighs

This is a killer exercise for the adductors (inner thighs). Having strong adductors is important for athletics and for stability and power in the squat.




This exercise is also going to help prevent groin pulls for athletes because you're strengthening those muscles under resistance in a very common position for athletes (full lunge).


You'll need something stable to hold onto - I'm using a bar set in the rack, but just about anything you can grip onto will work. It's going to help you with balance.

You'll also need a dumbbell with round plates (or you could use an EZ bar with round barbell plates, too). The dumbbell will be a better option.

I'm using a 65lb dumbbell here, but the size of that one doesn't really matter too much as it's there just to roll.

I'm also holding a 40 lb dumbbell in the other hand for resistance.

Grab the bar for balance, then set the balls of your foot on top of the handle.

Rolling Dumbbell Lunges for Adductors/Inner Thighs 1

Now roll that dumbbell forward, moving your grip a little further down the bar.

Rolling Dumbbell Lunges for Adductors/Inner Thighs 2

The dumbbell handle will roll towards your heel, but you won't be able to roll it far enough for your foot to come off.

Come all the way down to full stretch in the lunge position.

Rolling Dumbbell Lunges for Adductors/Inner Thighs 3

Now...the critical part here is to PULL yourself back up. Don't push with your glutes...draw your foot back towards your body, pulling the dumbbell back towards you, like you're trying to wipe something off your shoe.

THIS is what makes the adductors do the majority of the work.

Rolling Dumbbell Lunges for Adductors/Inner Thighs 4

I find this to be a VERY functional way to target the adductors as it makes them work in conjunction with the other muscles of the lower body and not just work in isolation.

Do your reps on one side, then turn around and work the other side.

Rolling Dumbbell Lunges for Adductors/Inner Thighs 5

Rolling Dumbbell Lunges for Adductors/Inner Thighs 6

Rolling Dumbbell Lunges for Adductors/Inner Thighs 7

Rolling Dumbbell Lunges for Adductors/Inner Thighs 8

Start with no weight at all the first time you do this one, especially if you haven't done any or much direct adductor work.

You'll also get some decent mobility and flexibility work from this one, due to the elevated foot position and long reach.

To hit the Abductors (the muscles out the outside of your hips, that move the legs away from the midline of your body) try Dip Belt Abductors-on-Fire Squats...



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