Side Pivot Barbell Split Squats For Complete Glute Training

This version of the Split Squat uses a landmine-type setup to focus the tension not only on the gluteus maximus but the gluteus minimus and medius as well, due to the sideways track of the movement.




The Split Squat is one of the best exercises you can do for the lower body (thighs AND glutes).

If you're not familiar with it, you probably actually are and just don't know it!

It's very similar to a Lunge, only instead of stepping forward (or backward) each time and coming all the way up to a standing position, you stay in that lunge position without coming back to a full standing position on each rep.

This version of the Split Squat is done using a barbell for resistance...loaded only on one end with other braced to act as a pivot point.

Using a barbell allows you to load the exercise with however much weight you want to use or can handle. In that respect, it doesn't have the same limitations as a dumbbell.

In addition (and this is the BIG benefit), because of the nature of the barbell pivot, you'll be able to LEAN into the movement, better targeting the gluteus medius and minimus muscles, which are the major abductors of the hip.

From a VISUAL perspective, this will help you develop larger, rounder glutes. It's a GREAT butt-building exercise.

And if you're an athlete, that lateral movement strength is absolutely CRITICAL for performance on the field. This exercise will help you load those lateral muscles with plenty of resistance so you can build that all-important side-to-side strength and explosiveness.



How To Do The Side Pivot Barbell Split Squat For Gluteus Medius Work

To do this exercise, all you need is a barbell, something solid to brace one end against (like a wall or a machine) and some weight plates.

In the demo here, I've got three 45-lb plates loaded onto one end of the bar, with the other end braced against the frame of my power rack. Because you're on the outside of the plates, the pivot end won't come up.

The first time you try this one, definitely go lighter...this was a challenge for me, both to the lower body and to grip strength (yep, this hits grip as well, because you're holding onto the "fat" end of the bar while doing the exercise). You can even start with just the bar to make sure the movement itself (with the lean and pivot) doesn't cause any pain.

Get into the split squat/bottom lunge position with your left foot forward. Lean forward a little bit and grasp the end of the bar then straighten up so your torso is vertical. The end of the bar should be just in front of your right thigh.

Side Pivot Barbell Split Squats Start

Now pick the bar up off the ground. If you're using a 45 lb plate (or more), this will be just a few inches. If you're using smaller plates, this range will be a little more. This is the start position.

Side Pivot Barbell Split Squats Bottom

Stand up.

Side Pivot Barbell Split Squats Top

Come back down and repeat.

At the bottom of each rep, you've got a few choices in how to continue. You can do continuous tension (which is better with lighter weight) where you just lightly touch your knee to the ground without releasing tension. You can also fully set the weight down on each rep (which is better when using heavier weight that challenges your legs and grip).

To work the other side (not pictured), just turn around and grip with the other hand, with the other leg forward.

Now, if you want to REALLY target the gluteus medius and minimus muscles (gluteus maximus will always be activated regardless), when you're doing the exercise really LEAN in towards the pivot end of the bar.

Side Pivot Barbell Split Squats 2

Set your front leg out a little bit wider, push HARD with your front foot heel and actually TRY to push your body towards the pivot end as you stand up.

Side Pivot Barbell Split Squats 3

This puts GREAT tension on the gluteus medius and minimus and will develop those muscles very effectively.

If you're doing this exercise specifically to get a bigger/better butt, THIS is how to best perform the exercise.

Bottom line (no pun intended), this side-pivot setup allows you to work the entire lower body very's great for glute training AND great for athletic performance training.

Another excellent gluteus medius and minimus movement is the Side Step Goblet Squat.



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