Modified Romanian Deadlifts From The Floor For Power development

This is one of my favorite exercises for targeting the posterior chain, specifically the hamstrings, glutes and lower back. It's all about power and strength development.




The form is a mash-up between a Romanian Deadlift, a Stiff-Legged Deadlift and a regular Deadlift.

You'll be performing what is essentially an RDL from the floor, using similar form to a stiff-legged deadlift, but with your knees somewhat bent and "soft."

In between every rep, you'll set the bar fully back down on the floor in order to reset your body position (specifically your lower back).


This exercise allows you to use very heavy loads while still focusing more on the posterior chain and hips than even a regular deadlift.

I recommend performing this one for low reps (1-5) with 2-3 minutes rest in between sets. I peaked out with a single with 405 lbs on this one, so you can definitely load it heavy, which is one of the best parts about the exercise.

Start by gripping onto the bar with a double-overhand grip. I recommend grip assistance once you get to using weights that will roll out of your hands.

Modified Romanian Deadlifts From The Floor Start

Now comes the most important part...before you begin the rep, pull an arch into your lower back. To do this, grip solidly on the bar then pull up with a small amount of force. Lock the hips down and imagine as through you're pulling your stomach down towards your thighs. This will put an arch into your lower back.

Modified Romanian Deadlifts From The Floor Position

Now brace your core and start the pull, squeezing the bar off the ground, not popping it off the ground.

Modified Romanian Deadlifts From The Floor Pull

Modified Romanian Deadlifts From The Floor top

Use a weight that allows you to maintain good lower back position all the way to the top. Breathe in and out at the top, then lower under control.

At the bottom, set the bar fully down then reset your body position again and repeat (if you're doing more than one rep).

Here's a direct side view of pulling an arch into your lower back. I would suggest you definitely practice that very simple positioning trick before you really start getting into heavy weights.

Modified Romanian Deadlifts From The Floor Start

Modified Romanian Deadlifts From The Floor Position

Overall, I've found this to be a fantastic exercise variation for hammering the hamstrings, glutes and lower back. It'll help bump up your numbers on your regular deadlifts as well.

Learn how to put yourself into the perfect position for performing Stiff Legged Deadlifts here.


Want more unique and challenging exercises to work your entire body with simple equipment? All you need is just a barbell, dumbbells and a bench. Check out The Best Home Gym Exercises You've Never Heard Of!




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