Farmers Walks are very simple...just hold something heavy in your hands (like kettlebells, dumbbells, a trap bar, Farmers Walk handles, etc.) and walk.
This version of the Farmers Walk is going to incorporate constant movement and instability into the exercise by suspending the kettlebells from a pair of bands.
Every single step you take, the kettlebells bounce up and down, giving your traps a jolt of tension (and a release of tension).
This is a fantastic way to challenge your body even further with loaded carries.
Now, just as a heads-up, it's extremely demanding on the nervous system. I carried these for 2 miles and my nervous system was shot for 2 days.
To do this one, you'll need a pair of kettlebells, bands and handles (not 100% necessary but highly recommended.
I'm using a pair of 53 lb kettlebells here.
I'm using green (medium) bands from SetForSet.
And for handles, I'm using a pair of Swissies from Kensui. (these are perfect for this - they're rock solid strong and open on the end, allowing you to just put the ends of the bends into the handle hooks - totally worth getting a pair not only for stuff like this but for bodyweight exercises, too).
I also HIGHLY recommend some form of grip assistance for these, if you plan on doing any long distance carries. These will kill your grip if you don't and that will become the weak link. I use Haulin Hooks, but straps can work, too.
In order to keep the bells off the ground, I had to loop the bands four times around the handles. This might take a bit of experimenting to get right.
You'll start by hitching them to the handle as you would hitch a band to any other solid object. Then just keep looping that free end around the handle and through itself a few more times.
This is what the finished product looks like (one was hanging lower than the other but that's just how it goes ;).
Then just pick up the handles and carry!
(I'm just doing a demo back and forth in my driveway but I'll walk around the whole neighborhood when I do these).
When doing these for distance, I would walk for a short distance (I actually hit about 300 m the first block I did), then set them down on the ground for 10 seconds or so, releasing the tension but without letting go of the handles (because they would fall on the ground). Then pick them up and go again.
I was down to about 30 feet by the time I was done.
That's AC/DC Carries! It's a really demanding and highly effective variation of the Farmers Walk.
If you're looking for something a bit more conventional, try Trap Bar Farmers Walks.
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