EZ Bar Overhead Carry for Strengthening Shoulders

This is an overhead carry done with an EZ curl bar (and bumper plates), using that bar for a very specific purpose...bracing to better lock the shoulders into the exercise, allowing you to use more weight and carry it longer.




This overhead carry variation uses the shape of the barbell to lock yourself into position for improved performance and loading.

The EZ Curl Bar is the perfect width to physically brace your forearms against the plates, thereby allowing you to carry more weight further in the 90 degree position.

The bumper plates give you a better surface for bracing against than steel plates (also the physical diameter is important...steel 25's would be too small to get the forearms up against).

As well, bracing outwards like this takes the triceps almost completely out of the hold, allowing you to focus on the delts for the carry.

And in this 90 degree position, normally the triceps would be the weak link.

To perform this, grip the bar right near the plates, clean and press to the top, then lower into position, directly over top of your head.

Your forearms should be braced solidly against the bumper plates. I'm also holding with an open hand position to further remove the triceps from the carry (it's still cradled, though and with the bracing it's very secure).

Now start walking...

EZ Bar Overhead Carry for Strengthening Shoulders

EZ Bar Overhead Carry for Strengthening Shoulders

EZ Bar Overhead Carry for Strengthening Shoulders

And as you can see by the look on my face, this is a very pleasant experience...

EZ Bar Overhead Carry for Strengthening Shoulders

EZ Bar Overhead Carry for Strengthening Shoulders

EZ Bar Overhead Carry for Strengthening Shoulders

I did two trips up and down the gym floor straight through, turning around while carrying. The weight is two 45 lb plates and a 20 lb bar so about 110 lbs total.

My shoulders were on FIRE at the end of this walk.

This is fantastic not only for the delt muscles but for strengthening the connective tissue of the shoulder as well.

This is a great shoulder training option when used in conjunction with exercises like the Barbell Lateral Raise.



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