Farmers Walk Tip - Walk a Tight Rope

Farmers Walks are one of the best overall exercises you can do. They work just about everything from legs, to upper body to posterior chain and core. This tip will help you carry more weight farther and faster.




Farmers Walks are very simple...just hold something heavy in your hands (like kettlebells, dumbbells, a trap bar, Farmers Walk handles, etc.) and walk.

Now...just because they're simple, doesn't mean there isn't some technique involved.

This tip is ALSO very simple.

When doing a Farmers Walk, focus on "walking a tight rope"...or walking a straight line. This gives you the smoothest gait and pattern, putting all the focus on moving FORWARD rather than having to fight extraneous side-to-side movement of the weight (which will shorten your walk distance and tax your grip strength).

Farmers Walks

The alternative (which you might find yourself doing, especially with heavier loads that you feel require more stabilization), is more of a Frankenstein type of walk with the feet out a little wider.

Farmers Walks Swings

If you set your feet wider like this, you'll find the weight moves side-to-side, taking away from your forward progress.

As well, this puts more stress on your grip due to the resulting up and down movement of the weight.

The goal is create a smooth flow where the weight essentially doesn't move side-to-side or up-and down at all, just forward.

Farmers Walks Tip

Farmers Walks Tip2

I like to envision the weight as a stabilized camera, like you see used in "behind the scenes" videos of movies being shot, where the person might be moving but the camera stays very still.

The "walk the tight rope" cue will allow to keep that forward-focus without wasted movement. You'll be able to walk further and faster with the same load and your grip will last longer.

This method is excellent when used with Trap Bar Farmers Walks.



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