Stop and Go Trap Bar Farmers Walks

This version of the Farmers Walk is perfect for smaller areas where you can't walk for a decent distance. Instead of walking continuously, you're going to stop and go.




Trap Bar Farmers Walks are one of THE best forms of loaded carries you can do...and if you're not doing loaded carries yet, you should be.

They're very pick up something heavy and you carry it. This works just about everything in your body...grip, back, legs, traps, the works. They're phenomenal.

Using the trap bar for carries allows you to keep the bar away from your legs so you can move them freely and walk freely. There's nothing in the way of you carrying a whole lot of weight up and down the gym floor...

...except if the gym floor is short and you don't have much space to carry in.

That's the problem I run into in my basement gym. I've got about 30 feet or so to work with in terms of space before I have to turn around.

And you CAN turn around while carrying (and I do).


This Farmers Walk variation is going to allow you to get more time under load while adding a unique challenge to the carry.

You're going to start and stop every 2-3 steps.

It sounds simple because it IS simple.

However, the execution of that simple task with heavy weight is a whole different level of loading.

And it is awesome.

I'm using 405 lbs on the bar for this walk. I actually do recommend grip assistance for this (whereas normally you might not use it) because with each stop, the momentum of the bar continues forward and your grip will get challenged even more than normal. We don't want grip strength to be the limiting factor here.

Stand up with the bar, take 2-3 steps forward then stop.

Stop and Go Trap Bar Farmers Walks

Stop and Go Trap Bar Farmers Walks

I'm talking total dead stop with your feet together until the bar stops swinging.

Stop and Go Trap Bar Farmers Walks

Then step forward and continue forward a few steps then stop again.

When you've gone as far as you can go, set the bar down, turn around, pick it up and go back in the same patterns.

Stop and Go Trap Bar Farmers Walks

Stop and Go Trap Bar Farmers Walks

Stop and Go Trap Bar Farmers Walks

And that's really all there is to it.

Just walk forward a few steps, stop, then go again.

It's elegantly simple and brutal in execution. If you like a challenge, you're going to love it.

To hit the lateral movement pattern with a loaded carry, try Side-Stepping Farmers Walks in addition to this one.


Want more unique and challenging exercises to work your entire body with simple equipment? All you need is just a barbell, dumbbells and a bench. Check out The Best Home Gym Exercises You've Never Heard Of!



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