Alternating Side Kettlebell Swings For Hip and Core Stabilization Strength

This version of the kettlebell swing uses dynamic changes in movement path (switching sides on every rep) to work the hips and core very effectively, in addition the posterior chain.




This is a simple variation of the kettlebell swing that does require some's great for devloping stabilizing strength in the hips and core.

Basically you're using two kettlebells and alternating to one side and one down the middle. Then you switch on every rep.

This gives you some nice variety in your swings by putting the load off center, which is a great way to train the deep muscles of the core.

It also forces you to get your brain involved in the exercise to keep the coordination going as you switch from side to side.

Other than that, regular swing mechanics apply, i.e. it's a power-based hip hinge exercise, so the power should come through the glutes, hams and lower back with the arms just connecting your body to the weights.

Start with your right kettlebell outside your body and your left kettlebell in between the legs.

Kettlebell Swing Start

Swing up.

Kettlebell Swing

As you come to the top of the movement, shift the path over to the other side.

Kettlebell Swing Top

When you come down, you're now bringing the right kettlebell between the legs and the left kettlebell outside the body.

Kettlebell Swing

Then continue, going back to o the other side.

Kettlebell Swing Bottom

Here's the direct side view.

This is a great exercise for putting a little variety into your posterior chain training.

If you like unique swings like this, definitely try Kettlebell Gorilla Swings as well.



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