The kettlebell swing is a fantastic posterior chain exercise...this combo brings in the quads and core to a much great extent while doing the swing.
This combination exercise targets almost every muscle in the body in one set...moving from a swing into a "goblet" type of kettlebell reverse lunge.
You're going to start with one-arm kettlebell swing (I'm using a 90 lb kettlebell for this one...start lighter until you get the hang of the coordination).
DEFINITELY watch the video above before you try this's tough to really get in still pictures but it'll be pretty easy to figure out with video.
As you swing up, start to bring the other hand up and underneath the bell. You'll be bringing the bell up towards the opposing shoulder.
As the kettlebell comes to the top of the swing where it's "weightless", get your other hand underneath the bell part and start stepping back with the same side foot as you're swinging up with.
Swing the kettlebell up and around until you're holding it at shoulder height, while you come down into the bottom of a reverse lunge.
(and now you can see why the video is helpful).
Come up out of the reverse lunge, pushing the kettlebell up and forward like a shot put as you come up.
Set your feet up parallel to each other again, then do a downswing with the kettlebell.
Come down to the bottom of the swing.
Now, in order to keep it even, I recommend you do a half swing and change hands on the fly. At the moment where the kettlebell is at the top of the half swing, switch hands.
Then come back down to the backswing.
Now repeat the process with the other hand and leg.
Swing it up then get your other hand underneath the bell. Step back with the left leg as you bring it to the top.
Come down into the reverse lunge bottom position.
Push back up.
Then repeat the cycle going to the other side.
This exercise is an excellent way to work almost every major muscle group in your entire body (not so much chest).
The power-oriented nature of the exercise and submaximal loading makes it more targeted for overall conditioning rather than strength or hypertrophy.
If you like unique swings like this, definitely try Kettlebell Gorilla Swings as well.
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