Single Dumbbell Zercher Squats For Legs, Core and Upper Back Training

The Zercher Squat is a great exercise for hitting almost every muscle in your body. This version uses just one single dumbbell rather than a barbell to do Zerchers, hammering your legs, core and upper back (and biceps!) strongly.




The Zercher Squat is a fantastic old-school lift that's been around for a long time yet is rarely seen in most gyms.


It not only works the legs, it develops the upper back and core very effectively as well, especially the bracing function of the core. In addition, the biceps get involved isometrically as well, for supporting the weight.

To perform this version of the Zercher Squat, you'll need a dumbbell...and that's pretty much it.

I actually added a single Fat Gripz handle to thicken up the handle so that it would be more "comfortable." If you don't have something like this, you can roll up a small towel around the handle instead.

I'm using a 125 lb dumbbell for this demo...if you're experienced with the Zercher, you can work up to some good-sized weights.


How to Set Up The Single Dumbbell Zercher Squat


First pick up the dumbbell with both hands, go one knee then hold it on end on your thigh.

Next, get your working arm around the should be the same side arm as the leg you have the dumbbell set on (left leg, left arm).

Once it's locked in, cradle the end of the dumbbell with your other hand to balance and assist then stand up.

Once you're in the top position, release the other hand and you're ready to go. I didn't find any issues balancing the dumbbell with this one...just be sure you keep the forearm supinated to form a shelf with your radius and ulna (forearm bones). Those need to be horizontal to provide that shelf.

If you do find the dumbbell tilting or shifting, you can always use your other hand to help.

Single Dumbbell Zercher Squats For Legs, Core and Upper Back Training Top

Squat down.

Single Dumbbell Zercher Squats For Legs, Core and Upper Back Training Bottom

Then stand back up and repeat. I recommend lower reps (5-7 per set) for this one.

Here's a side angle view of the exercise.

Single Dumbbell Zercher Squats For Legs, Core and Upper Back Training Top

Single Dumbbell Zercher Squats For Legs, Core and Upper Back Training Bottom

When you've finished your reps with one arm, set the dumbbell back on end on your leg, reversing the steps you did to pick it up.

Set it on the floor, then repeat on the other arm.

This gives you balanced loading on both sides of the body (arms, core, and back).

Set the dumbbell down and you're done! Rest a couple of minutes then repeat.

I did this one as a pyramid, working up in weight to the 125 lb dumbbell over the course of 4 sets.

The isometric loading this one puts on your biceps is going to be a bit of an eye-opener, and it will potentially be the weak link in the exercise for you, so be sure to use this one only if you're comfortable with regular Zercher Squats already.

This is a fantastic way to challenge a whole lot of muscles in your body.

Another great functional core and posterior chain exercise is the Kettlebell Gorilla Swing.



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