Burn Your Quads and Glutes With Pass-Under Walking Lunges

This version of the Walking Lunge is going to light up your quads, glutes and hams, as well as hit your core strongly, too. It's a very dynamic movement that will involve coordination with your upper body and lower body, as well as balance.




The "base" movement is the normal Walking Lunge, however instead of just holding onto a pair of dumbbells or holding a barbell on your back, you're going to be passing a weight underneath your lead leg on every step.


This will constantly shift the load from one side to the other, focusing on working that lead leg.

When you do this exercise with a kettlebell, you can set the bell down on every rep and switch hands. This allows you to "unload" the knee joint of the front leg, which I find reduces the torque on the knee that this exercise can sometimes cause.

When you do this exercise with a dumbbell, you can pass the weight under your leg without setting it down, which allows for a more continuous, smoother motion that further challenges the core.

I'm using a 90 lb kettlebell in the demo here.

Hold it in your left hand...you'll be stepping forward with your RIGHT leg.

Pass-Under Walking Lunges

As you come down into the step, set the kettlebell down underneath your lead leg.

Pass-Under Walking Lunges

Now grab the handle with your other hand.

Pass-Under Walking Lunges

Now stand up.

Pass-Under Walking Lunges

Then repeat on the other side, stepping your left leg forward and setting the kettlebell on the floor under that.

Pass-Under Walking Lunges

Switch hands again.

Pass-Under Walking Lunges

Then stand up and continue the pattern.

Pass-Under Walking Lunges

I like to do this for distance versus reps. Since I have limited space in my basement, I would just turn around and head back in the other direction until I can't get anymore steps.

When doing this movement with a dumbbell, you can do it like this where you set it down on every step (which will require you to lean forwards more because the handle is closer to the ground), or you can use a continuous pass under and switch, without ever setting the dumbbell down.

I'm using a 65 lb dumbbell for this demo. I actually tried with a heavier dumbbell but found that the bigger physical size of it interfered with the movement...the weight plates kept banging into my leg and making the movement awkward.

Pass-Under Walking Lunges With a Dumbbell

Come down into the lunge then pass the dumbbell under and switch hands.

Pass-Under Walking Lunges With a Dumbbell

Come back up.

Pass-Under Walking Lunges With a Dumbbell

Step forward.

Pass-Under Walking Lunges With a Dumbbell

Pass it under your leg again and switch hands.

Pass-Under Walking Lunges With a Dumbbell

Stand up and repeat.

Pass-Under Walking Lunges With a Dumbbell

This makes the exercise a faster movement that will get your heart pumping.

If you have a small medicine ball, you could also do this exercise using that as well.

Overall, this is a great exercise for the legs...you'll be able to go heavier with a kettlebell in terms of the mechanics of the exercise, assuming you have a heavier kettlebell.

To focus more loading (and even more burn) on the quads with a Walking Lunge, try Barbell Cursing Walking Lunges.



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