Total Leg Split Squats of Death For Quads, hamstrings and Glutes

This leg exercise is murder... it's going to HAMMER all three of the big muscle groups of your lower body (quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes) in an in-set superset type of movement that shifts muscle focus from the positive to the negative.




This split squat variation is going switch focus from quads to hamstrings halfway through for total leg training.


You'll be utliizing a two-part movement, changing body position from the concentric phase (the up phase) to the eccentric phase (the down phase).

The first phase will be focused on quads and glutes. The second phase will be primarily hamstrings (with some glutes still).

To do this one, all you need is a pair of dumbbells. You can work up to some heavy dumbbells with this one (I'm using a pair of 125's).

Take a very close split stance...the toes of your back foot should be almost lined up with the heel of your front foot. The dumbbells should be beside your front foot, hands lined up with your front ankle as that's where the majority of the power is going through.

This close stance position gives you a lot of knee flexion (bend) in both legs, which is what brings in the quads strongly.

Total Leg Split Squats of Death - Start

Now stand up.

Total Leg Split Squats of Death - stand

Total Leg Split Squats of Death - stand

As you get close to the top, step forward with your back foot and plant it even with your front foot.

Total Leg Split Squats of Death - Top

Now we're going to an eccentric stiff-legged deadlift to target the hamstrings strongly.

The hamstrings eat up eccentric training. It's a lot of what they're built for (especially with running and sprinting...they act as shock absorbers, which is an eccentric action).

Total Leg Split Squats of Death - Down stiff leg deadlift

Total Leg Split Squats of Death - Down stiff leg deadlift 2

Then set the dumbbells on the floor. As you get close to the floor, you can bend your knees a bit more to get them down to the floor, so as not to excessively round over the back.

Total Leg Split Squats of Death - Down stiff leg deadlift bottom

Now set your other foot back into the close stance split position. Alternating feet on each rep is going to keep things even.

Total Leg Split Squats of Death - other leg

Total Leg Split Squats of Death - stand

Bring that back foot forward.

Total Leg Split Squats of Death - top

Now lower to the ground with an eccentric stiff-legged deadlift movement.

Total Leg Split Squats of Death - down

Total Leg Split Squats of Death - bottom

Repeat for 4-6 total reps. This one works great as a heavy exercise (once you get the idea of it and once you feel ready to go heavy), especially since the hamstrings love heavy eccentrics. Make sure you keep the reps even between legs.

Take a couple of minutes rest in between, since you're going heavy.

This one is honestly just brutal. Pretty much your ENTIRE lower body is getting involved in the movement (not a ton of calves, but some), as well as your lower back and some upper body from holding the dumbbells.

The very close stance does take some getting used to, but just understand that your back knee will NOT come close to the ground. You want that back foot to be right close to the front foot to maximize quad work.

To put more direct focus on the quads, try an exercise like the Barbell Cursing Walking Lunge.


Want more unique and challenging exercises to work your entire body with simple equipment? All you need is just a barbell, dumbbells and a bench. Check out The Best Home Gym Exercises You've Never Heard Of!



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