Band Triangle Lateral Raises For Bigger Side Delts

If you've got narrow shoulders, this version of the band lateral raise will help. It'll light up your side delts using multi-directional band resistance...with a unique grip.




This triangle-shaped movement attack hammers the side delts strongly with multi-directional resistance...its incredible for building the lateral delts.


To do this one, you'll need a small to medium sized band...and that's it. You're going to use the band in a VERY specific way to maximize the effect on the side delts.

Click here for my recommended source for bands (Vector Athletics Use coupon code FITPOWER20 to get 20% off!).

First, definitely watch the video...this helps a lot with the grip.

You're going to essentially create your own handles by folding the band into loops at the ends and gripping onto the looped ends instead of just one part of the band.

The band should be a just over a foot in the middle and longer and hanging down at the bottom. You can easily adjust this once you see what the exercise looks like and how it's done.

Band Triangle Lateral Raises For Bigger Side Delts

Holding onto those band loops, step on the bottom hanging part of the band with one foot (NOT both, just'll see why).

Band Triangle Lateral Raises For Bigger Side Delts

Step back your other foot. This allows you to lean your upper body forward, which gives your side delts a better line of pull for the exercise.

Band Triangle Lateral Raises For Bigger Side Delts

Band Triangle Lateral Raises For Bigger Side Delts

Now start performing a lateral raise. You can see that the upper part of the band is stretching at the same time as the lower part of the band.

THIS is the multi-directional resistance we're looking for with this exercise and the band loop handle grip is essential to making it work.

Band Triangle Lateral Raises For Bigger Side Delts

Band Triangle Lateral Raises For Bigger Side Delts

Come all the way up to the top, continuing to stretch the top part of the band horizontally while you do the raise and pull the bottom part mostly vertically (diagonally, really).

Band Triangle Lateral Raises For Bigger Side Delts

Band Triangle Lateral Raises For Bigger Side Delts

Hold for a second or two then come down.

I find this band loop method allows you to really control the tension in the exercise very effectively. There's no weight to heave up...just stretching the bands.

Now, just like with most lateral raise variations, there's not a lot of resistance at the bottom position. It makes up for it with the horizontal band tension as you come to the top.

This one is a killer band-based lateral raise that will help you build your side delts very effectively. Definitely worth trying!

You can also perform a version of this exercise with a plate hanging down from the band...Band-Plate Lateral Raises.



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