Banded Two-Bar Y Presses For Continuous Tension Shoulder Training

This "barbell machine" exercise puts amazing tension on the lateral delts in an overhead pressing movement pattern. The regular Y press with dumbbells loses tension at the top...this exercise piles it on for a great shoulder pump.




The "Y" Press done with dumbbells is a good alternative exercise for the side delts.


This variation of the Y Press exercise is done using two barbells with a band stretched around them in order to provide continuous resistance on the side delts through the entire exercise.

In a normal Y Press, I find you lose a lot of tension at the top. It's a good exercise for targeting the side delts from a unique angle (overhead instead of in a traditional lateral raise), however you don't get direct lateral tension.

This exercise ratchets up the tension by providing that direct lateral tension.


How to do Banded Two Barbell Y Presses


To do this one, you'll need a few items... two bars, a few light plates (this is not a heavy exercise), a rack and a small band.

And yes, this one is not really appropriate for training in a crowded gym where people are waiting for a squat could do something similar by using a pair of dumbbells (as normal) and looping the band around your wrists instead.

That being said, I find the stabilization effect of using two bars in this fashion makes the exercise more effective. Using dumbbells and a band opens up the exercise to a much higher stabilization requirement, which can take some of the focus off working the target muscles.

Set one rail to just below shoulder height and the other rail a bit higher, so that you get a downward angle on the two bars.

Put a light weight on the bottom ends of the bars...I'm using 7 1/2 lbs on each bar end here. Make sure you have collars on so the plates don't slide.

Get a small band (I'm using a red 42" band) and fold it in half so it forms two loops.

If you need bands, this is my recommended source (use code RBTFITSTEP to get 10% off any band package).

Banded Two-Bar Y Presses For Continuous Tension Shoulder Training Setup

Put one loop around the left bar, over the plates.

Banded Two-Bar Y Presses For Continuous Tension Shoulder Training Setup 2

Move the other bar in close then put the other loop around the other bar.

Banded Two-Bar Y Presses For Continuous Tension Shoulder Training Setup 3

Now set the bars a little outside shoulder width apart.

Banded Two-Bar Y Presses For Continuous Tension Shoulder Training Setup 4

Grip the ends of the bars with a neutral grip.

Banded Two-Bar Y Presses For Continuous Tension Shoulder Training Bottom

Get some lateral tension in the bands by moving your hands out a bit. You want to keep that minimum tension in the bands from start to finish.

Start pressing up.

Banded Two-Bar Y Presses For Continuous Tension Shoulder Training Middle

Once you hit the mid-way point where your elbows are about 90 degrees, starting pushing the bars OUTWARDS.

Banded Two-Bar Y Presses For Continuous Tension Shoulder Training Top

This will put your body into the Y position at the top, against direct lateral band resistance. You'll also feel this one in the hands and forearms due to this band tension.

Hold for a few seconds at the top, then lower back down and repeat, bringing your hands in towards your body at the bottom. Keep some tension in the bands at the bottom so that you're never letting it go fully slack.

Repeat for moderate to high reps. This is NOT a heavy exercise but it's an excellent one for targeting the lateral delts in a novel overhead press movement pattern.

The setup does take a minute or two, but once you do it you'll find it pretty fast and easy. The working weight is so light, there's no need to counterbalance the bars, either (i.e. you don't have to add weight to the other ends).

Another excellent barbell exercise for targeting the lateral delts is the Barbell Lateral Raise.



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