In-Set Superset of Laterals and Presses For Building Wider Shoulders

If you have a hard time developing your shoulders (and/or getting a pump in your shoulders), this superset technique is going to be a lifesaver for you. It's going to primarily focus on the side delts without neglecting the other delt heads for maximum width development.




Shoulders are my most challenging bodypart to develop, so I've had to come up with unique techniques to build them up.


For me, I've found that lifting heavy weight in overhead presses didn't get me the development that I was looking for. I ended up just trying to move the weight without really focusing on feeling the delts working.

In addition, because my shoulders have some mechanical issues, if I kept up with overhead pressing too long, I got nagging injuries.

Which would then force me to switch primarily to isolation exercises.

This "In-Set Superset" method gives you the best of BOTH worlds, alternating reps of an isolation and compound exercise.

I call these "In-Set Supersets" because you're using two exercises but instead of working through one exercise then switching to the other, you're going back and forth within the set.

It's actually a CRAZY good technique not only for shoulders but for just about every other muscle group as well.

Use a weight you can get reps with on the lateral raise, as that's the weaker exercise.

In-Set Superset of Laterals and Presses For Building Wider Shoulders

In-Set Superset of Laterals and Presses For Building Wider Shoulders

Do a single rep of lateral raises.

Then swing the dumbbells up to your shoulders...this should be fairly easy since the weights you're using for laterals aren't super heavy.

In-Set Superset of Laterals and Presses For Building Wider Shoulders

Now do a single rep of overhead dumbbell presses.

In-Set Superset of Laterals and Presses For Building Wider Shoulders

In-Set Superset of Laterals and Presses For Building Wider Shoulders

Swing them back down to the bottom hang position.

In-Set Superset of Laterals and Presses For Building Wider Shoulders

Then do another rep of laterals.

Repeat until you get close to failure on the laterals. At that point, you can then choose to continue with the overhead presses until you get close to failure on that exercise as well (I recommend saving that for the last set of these, if you do more than one set, which I do...2-3 is the best way to go).

Need more side delt work? Another excellent lateral raise variation is the Barbell Lateral Raise.



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