Standing Barbell-Braced Dumbbell Shoulder Press

This simple power rack hack allows you to perform dumbbell shoulder presses more effectively and safely. You'll be in a better body position for the exercise and better able to stabilize your body during the press.




The standing dumbbell shoulder press is an excellent shoulder exercise yet not everybody has the shoulder mobility to perform it standing vertically (most don't).


In my experience (and many other top trainers experience), the shoulder press is more effectively done with a slight backwards lean to the upper body. This position can, however, put torque on the lower back.

A straight vertical body position is only effective when a person has enough shoulder mobility to perform it properly...and most people simply don't have this (I know I don't).

As well, using a vertical shoulder press bench for seated presses will force your body into a position that is simply not optimal for shoulder press for most people.

This simple power rack (or Smith Machine) hack will allow you to perform a standing dumbbell shoulder press with a slight backwards lean, similar to a very high incline bench, to achieve that optimal body position for the press, while supporting your upper body for less lower back stress.


How to Set Up The Power Rack For Barbell-Braced Dumbbell Shoulder Presses


First, set an empty bar in the power rack with the rails set to about lower-mid back height. For me, this works out to about elbow height with my arms hanging down. Push this bar up against the uprights to brace it. This is what your back is going to be supported on (instead of a bench).

Hold a pair of dumbbells in your hands, standing a little in front of the bar.

I've got a pair of 65's here...start light to get an idea of how this setup works and feels first, before you start moving up in weight.

Next, explosively swing/clean the dumbbells up to your shoulders. Be sure to watch the video to see how this is's like a kettlebell swing hammer curl type movement but done with a pair of dumbbells.

Hold them in the bottom position of the dumbbell shoulder press, then step back until your back contacts the bar.

Bend your knees a bit then move your feet forward a few inches. This gives you the high-incline position that we're looking for.

In terms of height, we want the bar to be sitting just below your shoulder blades. This allows them to move freely during the exercise while the bar is still supporting the upper body.

Standing Barbell-Braced Dumbbell Shoulder Press Bottom

Now press overhead while maintaining tension through the legs and core. You should be actively using your legs to push your body back into the bar...this is excellent for stabilizing the exercise and maintaining total-body tension.

You'll find the dumbbell path to be MUCH better compared to pressing in a vertical standing position.

Standing Barbell-Braced Dumbbell Shoulder Press Top

Press for however many reps you're aiming for...these can be done for whatever rep range you like. The body positioning is what we're looking for here.

When you're done, swing the dumbbells down and set them on the ground.

This setup supports the body and weight very effectively, allowing you to focus on working the shoulders more effectively during the press.

With that mind, be sure to use good form when shoulder pressing - loose form won't work your shoulders very well and could lead to injury.

The primary limitation on this exercise setup (other than shoulder strength in the exercise itself) will be how much weight you can swing up and into position. You can absolutely have a spotter hand the weights to you as well, if you get into weights that are heavier than you can swing up safely.


For targeting the delts with a bodyweight exercise with full range of motion, try Elevated Pike Handstand Push-Ups.


Want more unique and challenging exercises to work your entire body with simple equipment? All you need is just a barbell, dumbbells and a bench. Check out The Best Home Gym Exercises You've Never Heard Of!



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