Loading the stretched position of a muscle is a key factor for maximizing muscle growth.
However, when it comes to building the side delts, normal dumbbell lateral raises have basically NO stretch component.
As well, you don't have a lot of good options for getting into that strong stretch position that don't also compromise the rest of the range of motion (options such as cross-body lateral raises done either leaning or lying on your side on an incline bench give you some stretch but lose a lot of the contracted position tension).
This variation of the dumbbell lateral raise uses your CHEST to pull your side delts into a strong stretch position while then allowing you to a normal lateral raise, coming up into the normal top position.
To do this one, you'll need a flat bench that has a decent "foot" at the bottom that you can wedge your toes against.
Grab a pair of light dumbbells (I'm using 15's...you can go up once you get a handle on the exercise), sit on the bench, then push your toes against the foot of the bench.
Now lean back quite far... (yep, this one works the abs and hip flexors, too).
Using your lower chest (similar to a cross-over type of movement), pull the dumbbells towards each other underneath the bench. Ideally, pull them in until they touch each other.
This position use the "meat" of the the lats and the long head of the triceps as a pivot point to pull a stretch into the lateral delts.
Because of your arm position, the back and triceps are bunched up, so you don't need to consciously squeeze those muscles...just focus on using the chest pull the dumbbells together under the bench. It will automatically pull your side delts into a stretched position.
Hold that stretch for a few seconds.
Now do a lateral raise. As you raise the dumbbells up, use your abs to bring your torso up and lean forward.
Come forward until you're leaning forward at about a 15 degree angle or so (which is the ideal position for the top of the lateral raise). Hold that contraction for a second or two.
Do this whole movement under control...no bouncing or heaving. That's why you want to start with light weight at first, to ensure you're doing it right.
Now repeat, lowering the dumbbells to your side as you lean back again and get those dumbbells back into that stretched position.
When doing this one, you'll feel why you need to have something solid to brace your feet against.
At the bottom of every rep, really focus on taking a few seconds to pull those dumbbells together. That position is the main (and only) real point of using this technique so we want to make the most of it.
Repeat for 6-10 reps (or more, if you have more in you). If you can easily get more than 10 reps, increase the weight a little.
This one will get your side delts pumped up fast. That stretch you get at the bottom really digs into side delts very effectively.
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