Bodyweight Tricep Extensions on the Bar End

If you want to build serious tricep mass, you need to focus on building the biggest of the three heads...the long head. This bodyweight extension exercise puts massive stretch-loading on the long head for an incredible muscle-building effect.




This is one of THE single best exercises you can do to build bigger arms.

It's one of my "secret weapon" exercises that helped me build my triceps up to this...

Nick Nilsson Triceps Pump

To perform this one, you'll need a bar...either an Olympic bar set on the safety rails of the rack (which I'll demonstrate) or a Smith machine bar.

Set the rails to a couple of feet off the ground. Set the bar on it, braced up against the uprights, then load a couple of plates on just one end to counterbalance your bodyweight.

Set your feet about 4 feet from the bar and set your hands on the fat END of the bar.

This is the key difference in setup from the way the exercise is usually done.

Bodyweight Tricep Extensions on the Bar End Start

Then come down into the bottom of the extension, bending only at the elbows. This is the basic idea of the exercise. I'll delve into some more detailed form points below.

Bodyweight Tricep Extensions on the Bar End Stretch

Normally, you would set your hands on the middle section of the bar (that's inside the rack). This works well, but setting your hands on the fat end of the bar works SO much better, I have no plans to ever do the normal version again!


Why Is The Fat End Of The Bar Better For Bodyweight Tricep Extensions?


There are three big reasons.

First, the fat end of the bar spins's designed to. The middle of the bar can roll on the rails a bit but not a lot. Having the ability to spin freely means that you can perform the movement more smoothly and focus the tension on the triceps more effectively.

Second, it's thicker, so your whole hand can be in contact with the bar, specifically the heels of your hands. This tends to put more tension through your triceps while doing the exercise.

Third, the thickness of the fat bar end makes it easier on the elbows. The extension exercise in general can be tough on the elbows. This fat, open grip helps put the loading on the muscle rather than the joint.



How to Do The Bodyweight Tricep Extension Better to Really Mass Up Your Triceps


This exercise is incredibly effective for building tricep mass... and these form points will make it even better.


1. To make the exercise easier, move your feet towards the bar or raise the bar up. This will reduce the amount of bodyweight loading. To make it harder, move your feet away or lower the bar down. This allows for constant adjustment of resistance even DURING a rep. There aren't many exercises that allow for this.


2. At the start of the set, set your hands on the bar then externally rotate your shoulders so that the insides of your elbows are facing up. This keeps your elbows tucked in rather than letting them flat out. It really isolates the long head of the triceps by emphasizing the hinge movement of the elbow joint.


3. Before you begin the rep, lock your shoulder blades down. The long head of the tricep adducts the humerus...meaning it brings the upper arm down towards your body. By starting the rep locking the shoulders down, you create stronger tension in that long head by activating it from both ends (elbow and shoulder).


Use these tips and try this'll blow your triceps up like a cartoon character sucking on a helium tank.

You can also use a bench to perform a similar combination movement...Bodyweight Tricep Extensions to Hindu Push-Ups.



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