If you want big arms, you need big triceps. And if your triceps aren't big and normal exercises aren't cutting it, this will give you a quick spike in growth.
This is a close-grip push-up (the normal bodyweight exercise) done with forward-pulling cable resistance at the same time...I call this method "Dual Tension Sets."
Essentially, while you're doing a push-up, the cable is trying to pull your hands forward out from underneath you...and you have to CONTINUOUSLY contract the triceps (long head in particular, which is the biggest of the three heads) and push backwards in order to just stay in position.
This effectively DOUBLES the resistance on your triceps, making them deal with a directional isometric contraction at the same time as they're working to push you up.
It sounds brutal...but it's actually worse than that...and it's also going to hammer your six-pack abs, too, like a resisted plank.
How to do Forward Cable-Resisted Close Grip Push-Ups
Start by attaching a pulldown bar to a low pulley (you can also use a band or bands for this, if you don't have a cable stack).
I'm using an extra length of chain to get a bit more separation from the weight stack, but that's not 100% necessary, if you don't have that. Start with just a light weight on the stack until you get an idea of how much weight you can use.
Take an overhand grip on the bar, about shoulder-width (close-grip width).
Now pull the bar back so you get the weight up in the air. Dig your knuckles into the floor for grip. This is going to be a similar position to a fist push-up.
Get into position. You will feel the constant tension of the weight stack trying to pull you forward. Fight this.
Now come down.
Then push-up.
As you push back up, you will feel a dramatic increase in tension as your triceps contract to push you up while also fighting to keep your hands from sliding forward.
Do as many reps as you can until your triceps give out.
I recommend 2-3 sets of this, after which your triceps will be swollen up like balloons.
This double continuous tension is a dramatic departure from what you get with most tricep exercises and it's going to help you build some serious tricep size and much bigger arms overall.
For a more "normal" approach to building triceps mass, go with Close Grip Dumbbell Bench Press.
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*** You need to train the body systems that SUPPORT your muscle mass, not just the muscle itself. ***
These underlying support systems diminish as you age, which is why you lose muscle as you get older no matter how hard you train... but with strategic training, these systems can be regenerated.
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